Or more accurately, why I hate people who support [the current thing].
In my previous post I suggested that COVID, the biggest current thing of them all, psychologically conditioned people for the current current thing. Apparently, this take caused some controversy. A reader asked in the comments how I could suggest that COVID, a “man versus nature” crisis, could be used to prep people for the Ukraine crisis, a “man versus man” crisis. And to be fair, he wasn’t the only one to doubt my claim. “B” at the Moon of Alabama blog was so triggered, he blocked me. Heh. I’m not the one to deliberately ruffle feathers, so allow me to explain.
Yes, on the surface, Ukraine and COVID seem to have nothing in common. What could nasty Russian invaders have to do with an environmental hazard? Simply, it’s because these current things of bad Ruskis and viruses aren’t so much educating people about some existential threat. They’re about creating an assigned enemy for people to hate. With COVID, people weren’t told to hate the virus. They were told to hate the people who don’t comply. Anyone didn’t march completely in lockstep with every mandate was to be hated, shunned, fired from his job, and disowned from the family. No exceptions, not even if it’s your best childhood friend or your own sibling.
It is natural for people to have core, deeply held beliefs, and of course they’re going to be emotional and defensive about those beliefs. It would be strange not to be. So when I say I hate people who support the current thing, it’s not because I disagree with them. I hate these people because it’s not a core belief at all, it’s shallow virtue signaling.
So look at these people who were the most hysterical about COVID, double-masking while driving alone in their cars, demanding that children be forcibly masked 8 hours a day at school, demanding that people be forcibly vaccinated against their will, and snitching on their neighbors for having dinner guests, literally like it’s Nazi Germany. But what now?
COVID hasn’t gone away. It’s still here and it still kills people around the world every day. It’s still just as much of a threat as it was six months ago. Where are all of those concerned citizens who were demanding vaccine and mask mandates and literally calling for putting people in camps? The vast majority of the COVID cultists aren’t even wearing masks themselves anymore. Sales of booster shots have also plummeted, so even true believers are frequently not getting the jab either. The second there was no longer a social reward for publicly obeying, they lost interest.
Really, think about it. These people hysterically supported COVID measures, to the point they would disown their own family members over not masking or vaxxing, but despite the emotional meltdowns, almost none of these people had any conviction about their COVID beliefs. Remove the social media clout from uploading pictures of your mask, and remove the dopamine rush from reporting grandma to the Gestapo, the majority of people will just completely lose interest. They won’t voluntarily wear masks or get booster shots without the double thrill of obeying an authority and getting noncompliers in trouble.
Same thing with Ukraine. A person standing with Ukraine isn’t going to make me hate him. But if you blindly “stand with Ukraine” without knowing anything about Ukraine, and not making even the slightest effort to learn anything about Ukraine, then you don’t stand with Ukraine. And no, looking up Ukrainian girls in porn isn’t standing with Ukraine either. Even now, American public interest in the Ukraine conflict is four or five times lower than it was in late February. There are still some Ukraine enthusiasts on social media, but that’s only because legacy news outlets are continuing to endlessly push the story. Eventually this war will end. I think it’ll end this winter. It might end sooner, or it might end later. And when it does, all the #standwithukraine idiots will immediately forget about it. Just like they forgot about Syria, Afghanistan, and Kazakhstan.
Supports of the current thing have no conviction or deeply held beliefs. They’re vapid idiots who deserve nothing but contempt.
Ian Kummer

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In some cases they’re simply supporting their friends or family members, solidarity based on a personal relationship. In principle the motivation is okay, great, even. But of course there’s still an obligation to at least scan through the details, or else you get taken advantage of. So that obligation invariably gets skipped. Not that the modern media world makes it easy to do, for someone with a full day of professional and family life, who isn’t an obsessive searcher of details. Usually it takes some kind of unusual event to knock people off of that ‘autopilot mode’.
In other cases, especially common among facebook/twitter addicts, they’re seeking approval by a loud and beautiful display of conformity (relative to their in-group). So that’s maybe a vanity behavior? Or a social grooming behavior within groups — when looking at the complementary situation where the non-conformist is chastised in an attention-seeking way? Anyway if I get a sense of that, it makes me lose respect instantly. But I know enough to understand that rejecting this at the abstract level, is abnormal. Most people, groups of people, depend on this kind of thing to function.
Finally a lesser version might be just simply regurgitating what they hear from whichever cheerleaders or thought-leader is applicable. With no social ambition at all, just blind reflex. Boooring… But common.
Yeah, that is what we see differently.
> Anyone didn’t march completely in lockstep with every mandate was to be hated, shunned, fired from his job, and disowned from the family.
You see “training” here. I see using the pre-made tools, the pre-made training.
> Where are all of those concerned citizens
True, but again nothing knew or CVOID-specific there…
Remember those famous boy and girl from Syria – what’s their name, does anyone remember them? What was that city Russian bombers killed all citizens of? Or was thee two?
What was EuroMaidan about, removing oligarchs (when i said, with a list of names and titles, EuroMaidan set oligarchs into power not from power, i was almost banned on reddit) ? Where is the angewr about Ukrainian oligarchs today?
True, there are “cultists” or “hatred addicts” with “guppi memory span”.
They are a bad problem.
But “haters gonna hate”. Would it be not Covid – it would anything else. They just need their evryday dose, every shot, everyday finger showingthem “hate those and feel good and righteous”.
a+b = b+a – does any specific value of vairiables matter there? No, only the structure itself.
vaxxers and maskers – are just some random values from a continuum
Pre-made, yes. Bill Gates, George Sorros, etc., have clearly been pondering these tools for a long time. We’re just seeing them deployed on a grander scale than ever before in modern history. Possibly on a grander scale than ever before in human history, since the technology and communication networks they have now are new.
I think these group behaviours are what Mattias Desmet describes as a Mass Formation. It is exactly the same type of phenomenon associated with the 1930s developments of Nazism and Bolshevism that Hannah Arendt traces in “The Origins of Totalitarianism”. Almost a form of mass hypnosis.
In exactly the way you describe, everyone in Germany in early 1945 was a Nazi (at least outwardly, even if they did not really support it) but by August 1945 no one was!
These mass formations seem to occur in history (eg religious hysterias, witch craft trials) but seem quite frequent in the modern west. They are seemingly associated with rootlessness, free floating anxiety and lack of meaning. All of these adjectives apply well to our atomised, agnostic societies. Mass media then provides the means to amplify them. The people affected by them become loyal to the collective idea, in some ways lose their humanity and seek to perform collective rituals. Vaccine mandates, not letting people see dying relatives and fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian are then manifestations of all that.
Not sure how we break the circuit other than continue to speak out. Ultimately, these hysterias are deeply destructive and have the potential to destroy us. They usually run out of energy before that happens but the parallels with Nazism and other totalitarian ideologies are worrying.
I don’t know if the mass formation will destroy us, but economic collapse and/or nuclear war certainly could.
With respect to the self-annihilating CoVidiots/Ukraine Cheerleaders, what I have said in conversation amounts to Identifying the Hypocrisy in their points of view, illustrating that they have become hate filled Bigots and now are open to barbarism, in which I explain the violence they now speak.
Not one, out of maybe 25-35 people will discuss ANYTHING!! All that has Happened is they default to disparagement and ad hominems. One attempted physical violence, but I just evaded and knocked him down, then stood on his back. I am so glad that was the only hairy altercation. He was arrested and charged.
The message from me is: don’t stop speaking the truth. Let those that cannot handle the truth merely continue to self-destruct.
And love them still.
We need to remeber that Covid was not a “man versus nature” crisis at president Trump era.
Instead of “Russia” , Western Politician control us to hate “China”. Talking BioWeapon of Wuhan lab scum etc.
Thinking about that fact.
So I think this topic relate “Now we west capitalist coutries always need to give people anything to hate.
While they hate anything about other countries, We
politician and mainstream media must be safe”.
how this type of tactic poisoned our society.
The CoVid1984 bioweapons are the “Experimental Gene Therapeutics”, happily presented to citizens of various countries, using all the neat little skills that mass psychology entails: fear propaganda, mis- and dis-information, heavy censorship and woke virtue signalling.
The Global BORG just weaponized and sensationalized the “seasonal communicable illness” mis-nomered as CoVid19, presenting all sorts of graphic and non-researched senationalist “information” without actual scientific rigor and completely out of context. All subsequent narratives are just rabbit hole ventures leading to dissonance.