Washington has long practiced the art of radicalizing other cultures, turning them into disposable human weapons, and have become exceptionally good at it. Let’s talk about Ukraine’s ISIS-style propaganda video that emerged earlier this week.
The video depicts Ukrainian actress Andriana Kurilets-Kmetyuk (who has since deleted her social media accounts) pretending to cut the throat of a Russian prisoner with a sickle.
“And something terrible awoke in the peaceful farming nation. Something had been dormant in the depths of the Dinepro cliffs for centuries, initial and ancient Ukrainian god. And now we are reaping our bloody harvest.”
This is ideologically strange to say the least. It’s not Orthodox Christian, or any kind of Christian. It’s a Hollywood concoction of primal paganism from an era when people were still sacrificing babies on altars and burying virgins alive. It’s the same pagan aesthetics seen in Nazi Germany, and the so-called Islamic State (which is really just a puppet of Zionists and American bankers, ah, I repeat myself). German Nazism and ISIS appeals to those respective cultures’ pagan pasts, and have very little to do with Jesus and Muhammed.
Here’s an example. I remember an old Arabic story I read as a boy about a great warrior. Back in those times, it was customary to cut off the heads of your defeated enemies and leave their skulls on the battlefield (we can see this in the Old Testament as well). Anyway, there was a great warrior who had defeated many enemies and boasted that one day he would reach 100. He eventually reached 99 kills, but then was killed himself. Many years later, a man from another tribe saw his skull on the ground, cursed it, and gave it a kick. But he cut his foot on the skull and later died. And so the great warrior reached his 100 victories, even after death.
Now understand what I mean? That’s what globalism and global nazism are all about. Analysts in Washington study a culture and find its most primal, barbaric roots, and create a cartoonish caricature of it. With that caricature as a false god, that whole society is turned into a death cult, the perfect, self-destructing weapon against Washington’s rivals. The suicidal nature of Washington’s pawns is deliberate. After Russia is destroyed, there would be no use for a Ukraine anymore, so it is actually better for Ukraine to be destroyed in the process too. Ukraine is the broken skull for Russia to cut her foot on.
The West loves “blood harvests” and projects that idea onto other cultures like Iraq, Libya, and Ukraine, but it originated on our own shores. Look at modern movies and shows like 300 and Vikings. Why do our filmmakers dream so much of mass killings, rapes, and blood gods? Why do they love depicting barbarians raping and massacring weak and pathetic Christians? It’s weird.
We are the first godless civilization. And by “godless” I don’t mean secular. I mean we have abandoned morality, and hate the very concept of morality. We “cancel” other cultures, but we canceled our own first. (See my earlier story, I finally understand why we hate Russia)
Speaking of morality, British tabloids have spent weeks screeching about Russian soldiers gang raping Ukrainian girls (with absolutely no evidence, of course). As typical with propaganda, not only was it false, the opposite was actually true. The British are raping Ukrainian girls.
The UN refugee agency has called on the UK government to intervene to stop single British men from being matched up with lone Ukrainian women seeking refuge from war because of fears of sexual exploitation.
Following claims that predatory men are using the Homes for Ukraine scheme to target the vulnerable, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) told the Guardian “a more appropriate matching process” could be put in place to ensure women and women with children are matched with families or couples.
The suggestion from the global refugee agency follows reports that Ukrainian refugees, predominantly women and sometimes accompanied by children, are at risk in the UK of sexual exploitation.
Under the government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme, British hosts must link up with Ukrainian refugees themselves, leaving tens of thousands of people to resort to unregulated social media groups to connect.
A government-backed matching service run by the charity Reset offers to match UK hosts with refugees but has been operating for just over a week. Those who want to move to the UK must have a sponsor before applying for a visa.
In a statement, the UNHCR said there was a need for adequate safeguards and vetting measures to be in place against exploitation, as well as adequate support for sponsors. “[The] UNHCR believes that a more appropriate matching process could be put in place by ensuring that women and women with children are matched with families or couples, rather than with single men.
There you have it. The country that literally fines and imprisons people for committing thought crime on Facebook apparently doesn’t have the resources to safeguard less than 12,000 refugees. Can we honestly call that an accident? Sounds like the British were delighted to have a bunch of women and children to be auctioned off on Facebook marketplace, and it was all deliberate. If the UK immediately turned a refugee crisis into a mail order bride scheme, just imagine what’s happening in Poland right now, where there are more than 2 million Ukrainian refugees, and with virtually no oversight. Progressive liberals seem to delight in trafficking sex slaves from the “almost European” farming nation.
I really think this should have been obvious from the beginning. Ukrainian refugees are much better off with their blood relatives in Russia, not in the “enlightened West,” where they’re viewed as untermensch prey who can be exploited without remorse.
Ian Kummer

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I saw that video and also the Russian response. The video is disgusting. The Russian response is well done.
I wonder where the actress is now. Hollywood? She better stay away from Mila Jovovitch (sp.?)
Yes, nazis better stay away from our Mila!
I did not see any one particular Russian response video. Do you have a link?
Thank you, Ana!
Based Russians.
Seeing the video and the Russian response reminded me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpqsbZ_1Wts
See if you can spot the parallels.
-sit on your ass while your girl is getting into a heated confrontation with a guy 2 inches away
-stand up and white knight for her in a fight she clearly started
-lose immediately
Yup the parallels are pretty clear
Black guy was pretty chill, considering what she was doing to him – boyfriend could have pretty easily defused that situation but he decided to be a cuck instead. Oh well. Glad the other spectators spoke up for him
That Pimp Named Slickback lesson to Tom applies here too.
“You gotta hit her.”
“I can’t hit a woman, I’m a district attorney for God’s sake!”
“Has NOT smacking a bitch been working for you?”
I’ll hunt it down but I think I saw it on Saker.
Conflating violence with an absence of morality was your first mistake, and unfortunately you made it your thesis.
Lies are the absence of morality upon which civilization builds an implacable veneer over the structural violence it metes out upon everything in sight.
Maybe you should check out the essay “Wotan” from 1936 by psychologist Carl Jung.
There he analyzes the German people and claims that they are possessed by the archetype of Wotan.
You hint at paganism reminded me instantly of that essay.
I will have to take a look at it, thank you!
Seems all the rats are coming out from their holes. It was always just hypocrisy and profit models, never real.
I think the Russians are right, Nazism is a decease which need to be cured. The problem is the whole Gay7 are infested with mental sick people. After Ukraine has been cured…………….?
Why is “godless” your description of the west? Yes, the west’s leadership is godless. Though is all of America so? The United States has a much higher church attendance rate than Russia. Looked at the high occurrence of drug use, STDs, and abortion in Russia? There’s a saying about how your friends can define who you are, and judging by this article I don’t think you’ve looked at Russia’s friends. Atheist anti-white China, unhinged pagan Nazi mercenaries, and Islamophobic (also famously unclean) India.
Two sides can be evil. The west is undoubtedly evil for what it has done in Iraq and Libya. Russia is evil for its high civilian death toll in Syria and its many mercenary activities in Africa. The east which you idealize is by no means without violence. Russia’s brutality is spoken about among refugees, and has been since the second world war. No the USSR did not purposely make bombs in the shape of children’s toys, but it did kill hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan. Mainland Chinese war dramas have glorified protagonists killing entire villages. “Give peace a chance” hippies could never come from that side of the world. Nor could an Eastern equivalent of your blog which dares to expose its own government’s atrocities. I do not wish ill will on easterners or on westerners, being a God-fearing American of mostly non white descent. I do think both sides’ leaders will be rightfully thrown into hellfire.
Mature adults don’t make decisions by abstract revenge fantasies. Russia’s Putin has always acted on revenge fantasies. Deciding to arm the PLA even in the face of domestic turmoil. This wasn’t just choosing China over America, it was choosing China over the well being of Russians. To get back at the west? Seems like he had other choices. Putin had a job, to protect the Russian people, which he has barely done. Expect China to sanction Russia if Putin loses the war. That can end with two things. Either Russia becoming a Chinese vassal, or the west absorbing the remains of Russia and Ukraine in preparation for war against China. These the two worst possible outcomes short of nuclear apocalypse, and our fate is in God’s hands.
Church attendance is how you measure this? The biggest hypocrites are often found in churches. Count the number of baby mammas in the first pew and get back to me.
> I don’t think you’ve looked at Russia’s friends. Atheist anti-white China, unhinged pagan Nazi mercenaries, and Islamophobic (also famously unclean) India.
India imports about a third of fertilizer / fertilizer inputs from Russia. Apparently we did not bother consulting them on sanctions. The smart play would have been to offer to replace those imports, at a discount, for the next 5 years.
Something tells me they’re not going to accept being Churchill’d again.
> “Give peace a chance” hippies could never come from that side of the world.
Have you ever been to a psytrance festival? This is nonsense.