There is something that Ukrainians fail to understand. Apart from being used as cannon fodder in a proxy war against Russians, they are being eliminated and recycled, just like old Soviet weapons are being eliminated and recycled on the battlefield.
Except for Russians, no one needs Ukrainians. However and whenever this war ends, there will be no more Ukrainian people, both politically and ethnically.
Many are fleeing to Europe and will be assimilated there genetically, culturally and mentally. “Almost European” Ukrainians will be quite pragmatically used to refresh Europe’s aging white populations to dilute the flow of Middle Eastern and African migrants (second rate is still better than the third). They will never return to Ukraine. Some go to Russia and will maybe return to Donbass which is, like it or not, Russia. Some will be killed in action or perish. Mostly young people. And this depopulation is part of the Western plan.
My dear Ukrainians, if you read this, do you know why this is part of the plan? Because, in the eyes of your Western friends, you are… Russians.
Shared from Maria Kondorskaya’s Telegram channel condor_the_bird
I want to add a couple of things to this. First, Ukraine is in serious trouble, and has been in serious trouble for a long time. Even the US Department of State admits this:
Despite Ukraine’s potential, foreign direct investment (FDI) remains low. Ukraine experienced a net outflow of investment in 2020. In addition to the pandemic, foreign investors cite corruption, particularly in the judiciary, as a key challenge to doing business in Ukraine.
Part of the problem is the civil war that’s been raging since the Maidan coup. The Kiev regime had the chance to take a sensible approach and respect the roadmap laid out by the Minsk agreement. Even autonomous republics would still contribute to Ukraine’s overall economy. Instead, the Ukrainian government did the opposite. The Ukrainian army has waged a campaign of genocide against Donbass for eight years. Look at these civilian death statistics from the past several years:

More than 81% of these deaths are on separatist territory, almost all from shelling. So unless the separatists are shelling themselves (they’re not), Ukraine is engaging in a calculated act of genocide to kill, terrorize, or drive away as many people from this region as possible. It’s genocide and there’s no other word for it.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko boasted about cutting off the Donbass people’s water, electricity, pensions, and forcing their children to hide in basements. By declaring war on their own people, Ukraine promptly lost their last opportunity to mend relations and cut off Donbass forever, along with 20% of the country’s GDP. Washington was almost certainly behind this weirdly aggressive and self-destructive policy, but ultimately it was the Ukrainian government who made the choice to pull the trigger, and continue pulling the trigger for another eight years. Of course their idea didn’t work out for them and it was somewhat literally like “cutting off your nose to spite your face.”
Let’s talk about demographics. Ukraine has a birth rate of 1.3. For context, Russia has 1.5 and the USA has 1.7. Declining birth rates are a worldwide phenomenon as various countries achieve a higher level of prosperity and the accompanying improvements in medical care – leading to widespread availability of birth control.
Aside from live births, the USA has an inflow of migrants, particularly from Latin America, and Russia has similar immigration from the former Soviet states in Central Asia. However, Ukraine does not benefit from immigration. Quite the opposite. They lost the entire population of the separatist republics in Donbass as well as Crimea and have had mass outward migration everywhere else. There hasn’t been a proper census in Ukraine since 2001, which is telling.
If a ceasefire were to happen tomorrow and new borders drawn up based on where Russian troops happen to be standing, what would Ukraine look like? Of course it would be 30-40% smaller but that wouldn’t even be their most serious problem. My earlier predictions about the refugee situation were far too optimistic. As of this week, an estimated 4.5 million Ukrainians have fled the country, most of them westward. A further six million have been internally displaced, so we have to assume at least some of them would also leave if given the chance. Yes, some would come back too, but realistically, how many would want to?
Even that’s best case scenario. Zelensky and his regime continue to refuse to negotiate. Yes, they’re pretending to negotiate but they’re not offering anything sensible. They still cling to this fantasy of being able to reclaim Crimea and Donbass someday, and it’s pitiful. Russian military operations will continue whittling down territory and millions more refugees will continue to flee until Ukraine is bled dry.
It gets worse. By virtue of being perpetually impoverished, Kiev has become the Bangkok of Europe. 25% of the EU’s sex traffic comes from Ukraine and that’s a statistic from before the Russian intervention. Ukrainian men go to Europe and end up in ghettos, while Ukrainian women and girls end up as playthings for lonely old men in London, or window dressing in a German brothel. Ukrainian refugee camps in Poland are an easy target for pimps and human trafficking rings. The western media has spent decades telling the Ukrainian people that European culture is very gentle and sophisticated, now they’re getting a taste of it for themselves. NATO-aligned propagandists deliberately terrify Ukrainian girls with made-up stories of Red Army Russian gang rapes, so they flee to western Europe, where they actually do get raped.
A reporter for The Times posed as a 22-year-old Ukrainian woman on Facebook, and was immediately barraged by British men offering her shelter in exchange for having sex with them. Yes that was a fairly predictable outcome, but why are the EU and UK taking in millions of refugees and then dumping them in the street so they have to literally turn to prostitution to avoid starving? It would have actually been better to not take those refugees at all. If those people had stayed in Ukraine, the Russian army would eventually show up and give them food. And that food is given out in normal distribution centers, not for blowjobs in an alley.
A French high school shared a photo of African and Ukrainian refugees in a “speed dating” activity. The photo went viral almost immediately, I’ll leave it to the reader to guess why.

School administrators later deleted the tweet, and then their whole account.

However, the photo and similar captions still exist on French news sites:
Look, there’s nothing wrong with students voluntarily interacting with each other, but why specifically pair African boys and Ukrainian girls? Why not African girls and Ukrainian boys, or a mix of both? Uh, excuse me, but isn’t this a French school? Where are the French kids? Why are French educators so proud of this weirdly specific thing they shared it on Twitter? There’s a very obvious reason, and it takes a special kind of cynicism. They’re pairing virile African boys with fertile Ukrainian girls. French Edition. Things happen. It’s actually reminiscent of the breeding programs of Nazi Germany, with a woke globalist twist. I mean think about it. A bunch of teenage girls get knocked up with black babies, which simultaneously gives them a free ticket to stay in France indefinitely, and makes it socially impossible to go back home.
Black people are not welcome in Ukraine. In 2021, Ukrainian athlete Zhan Beleniuk won gold in the Olympics. You might think this would make Ukrainians happy, but they weren’t. See, Beleniuk is a black guy, which enraged the public and they compared their own athlete to a monkey. To make this even more ironic, the story about Adolf Hitler being angry about African American Jesse Owens beating German athletes is actually a myth. According to Owens himself, Hitler was very friendly and personally congratulated him. In fact, Owens was understandably dismayed that he received praise from Germany’s president and not his own. Double irony, there is an old Mosfilm comedy, Circus, about an American woman with a black baby who escapes a lynch mob and finds love in the Soviet Union. In real life, the baby was/is the son of an African immigrant and a Ukrainian woman. Imagine making that movie now in Ukraine.
Out of roughly 35-40 million Ukrainian citizens (I’m being very generous with that figure, and it includes Crimea and Donbass), we’re potentially looking at an unknown but probably very high percentage being absorbed into the Russian Federation, and a further 25% being permanently uprooted and scattered across the Rotting West to be toilet cleaners and whores for people who hate them. Maria is right. Ukraine’s days as a nation and as an ethnically and culturally distinct people are almost certainly finished, and it’s completely intentional, and not by the Kremlin.
Ian Kummer

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I don’t think the feminists really thought this one through… these strong independent women already have a hard enough time ‘finding a man on their level.’ Now because of their fefes about Trump, they flooded the market with millions of women who are more likely to know how to be a wife – fit, cooperative, childless.
In a weird way this could just be what saves the west.
On a related note, if I cared about investing I’d go long on pet food.
I don’t think the USA is going to get enough to have any noticeable effect on the dating market – and I don’t understand Europe well enough to claim to know what this would do to it. The economic strain of 6-10 million refugees is probably going to outweigh anything else.
Not directly, no. But it’s going to have a huge impact in Europe. Lots of people here are infested with the same ideology.
You know, I never actually asked what country you live in. I’ve heard a lot of different stories about what’s happening in Europe right now. None of it sounds good.
Netherlands and you are right, it’s a shit show here. 12%+ inflation. No sunflower oil at the store yesterday, will try again today. Other random shortages too. If that’s all this was than whatever, it’s just mildly inconvenient. But if it’s just the tip of the iceberg…
Some friends turned into NPCs overnight. “The Russians are losing” “The Russians are incompetent” etc. I don’t think they fathom how much they’ve been fucked by this, well I tried to tell them
In hindsight, Brexit is making a lot of sense now. The UK gets to avoid much of the economic fallout, and still holds a bunch of the EU members’ gold reserves (which I didn’t even realize until I saw it in the news a week ago). It’s actually weirdly similar to 1939 when Germany started “visiting” a bunch of their neighbors, and the Brits kindly signed over the gold.
Isn’t it possible that this French school DID reverse the event at some point and have white Ukrainian girls meet with black female refugees? One picture rarely tells the complete story.
My understanding is that the majority of African refugees in France are black males and there probably aren’t a lot of young men being allowed to leave Ukraine by the Ukrainian army; i.e., either forced to fight or killed if of-age.
Right, it is just one post from one school. But it fits in with the overall narrative of Europe’s elites drooling with excitement over receiving a bunch of impoverished Ukrainian girls, and don’t seem to be doing anything good with them.
Hi, I’m French. And French as a Foreign Language Teacher.
The photo published on Twitter is of a French class for allophones (foreign scholars) therefore the absence of French kids is perfectly normal.