Some of my recent posts about Ukraine got a fair amount of attention in various corners of the web, more than I am used to. Unsurprisingly, not everyone agrees with me and I have seen a fair share of complaints. Here is a summary of the most frequent critiques I have seen, and my responses to each. I cannot speak for other people, however, I think many of the commentators on my “side” would agree with my following statements in general principle.
To clarify, I do scan for sites and forums that share content from me. I look to see what people say about it. Do they agree or disagree with me, are there conflicting points of view, have I made an egregious error in fact? I do respond to messages people send to me as well. I do appreciate everyone who shares my rants, and I especially appreciate the people who go through the effort to translate and repost things I said. I’ve even seen Pikabu users translate my graphics, which was very nice of them, and I greatly appreciate it.
Anyway, here are the critiques:
You are pro-Russia!
Yes, and? I am an American who has been to Russia and likes Russia. Is this illegal now? In the end, every person needs to look at the evidence for himself and form his own opinion. I invite you to look at my old posts from a year ago. You will see that though I was doubtful of the propaganda in my country, I still held hostile stereotypes of Russia and Belarus. I formed my own opinion. Maybe my opinion would be hegemonic in Russia, but I am very much the minority in the USA. I formed an opinion that I can truly and proudly call my own, and I did that despite propaganda, not because of it.
I am accused of “idealizing” Russia. What do you want me to say? That Russia has crime, corruption, and poverty? Happy now? Must every positive statement be accompanied by a negative one? Do you do this with your wife? “That dress looks nice on you, but you are fat.”
You are bashing and disrespecting Ukrainians!
No, you are deliberately twisting what I said. Ukraine has rampant, abnormally high, corruption and poverty, and is underdeveloped. These are true statements. They are also not attacks against Ukrainian people, you just interpret them as attacks because it is convenient for you. You can’t stand the idea that Russia might have had a valid reason for sending troops into Ukraine, so you insist that pointing out real problems in Ukraine is slander against Ukrainians. No. The Ukrainian government is corrupt, and was imposed on the Ukrainian people by imperialists from the outside. Barrack Obama sent Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland to Ukraine to personally oversee regime change. This is fact, and if you deny it then you are simply being dishonest. Why is it that every attack and smear, no matter how outrageous, is acceptable and encouraged when directed against Russia, but much milder criticism, like my statements about Ukraine, are mean and unfair?
Read my post here. I specifically identify Ukrainians as the victims of Western imperialism. And yet people dare to claim that I am disparaging Ukrainians.
Furthermore, it is hypocrisy to claim that West Ukraine had the right to overthrow the government, but Crimea and East Ukraine didn’t have the right to withdraw from that new government. The Banderists in Kiev had eight years to follow the Minsk agreements, and I have repeatedly said this before (see my post here). Instead they chose war, and they finally got one.
I am tired of arguing with idiot European combat trolls who want to lecture me about “Ukrainian sovereignty.” Zelensky is a corrupt nazi dictator, and there are people wrongfully locked up in his prisons, including American citizens like Kurt Groszhans (see my post about him here). I am equally tired of arguing with idiots who didn’t even know who Zelensky is until a month ago, but are mindlessly worshipping him as a hero just because the media told them to. I am tired of people treating a horrible war like a video game or reality TV show with fun characters. I am tired of arguing with idiots who insist they know everything about the situation in Eastern Europe, but can’t even correctly spell “Belarus.” I am tired of Americans and Europeans who insist that Ukrainian nazism was just a random thing that happened, and not a huge movement that our countries have spent years funding and encouraging. I am tired of older generations of Americans who are at least partially responsible for the Cold War and the horrible situation unfolding now, but refuse to take responsibility or even acknowledge what’s happening. I am tired.
You are bashing and disrespecting Poles!
This goes back to an article I wrote comparing post-1991 Ukraine with post-1919 Poland. This is of course related and what I said above also applies here. In no way did I claim that Polish people are bad or don’t deserve their own state. Interestingly, no one who levied this accusation against me used a direct quote of something I actually said.
What I did say is that Anglo diplomats from the West have found it very useful to “divide and conquer.” They establish governments, ideologies, and borders that are very controversial and anger a lot of people. Then when a war inevitably breaks out, the Anglos run away and sell weapons to one side, sometimes to both sides. That’s happened repeatedly all over the world, including in Poland. Creating a Polish state, not any Polish state, but that specific Polish state with those specific borders, was controversial and provocative.
Of course the idea of Polish nationalism already existed, and wasn’t in of itself a bad thing. But this ethnic tension was identified and exploited. The western allies used it as a strategy to simultaneously punish Germans and cause problems for the Russians. If you disagree with this statement, what’s your counter-argument? That the British Empire loved Polish people and cared about them? Oh yes, just like the British “cared” about Afghan, Indian, and Irish people, I’m sure. If this Polish state was legitimate, and not a puppet government set up by the West, then why did they commit suicide by allowing themselves to be conquered by Hitler and refuse Soviet help, even after being repeatedly told that winning a war by themselves was impossible and they would need Soviet help?
DCOS 179
Committee of Imperial Defence
Deputy Chiefs of Staff Sub-Committee of the Chiefs of Staff Committee
Russian conversations: Use of Polish and Roumanian territory by Russian forces
At our meeting on 16th August 1939 we gave consideration to the military aspects of the action proposed in connection with Mission Telegram #3 from the Russian mission in Moscow and Telegram # 197 from H.M Ambassador Moscow.
2. We understand that action has already been taken by the French government on the lines suggested in the above mentioned telegram.
3. From the military point of view, we welcome the action which has been taken. We feel that this is no time for half-measures and that every effort should be made to persuade Poland and Roumania to agree to the use of their territory by Russian forces.
4. In our opinion it is only logical that the Russians be given every facility for rendering assistance and putting their maximum weight into the scale on the side of the anti-aggression powers. We consider it so important to meet the Russians in this matter that, if necessary, the strongest pressure should be exerted on Poland and Roumania to persuade them to adopt a helpful attitude.
5. In view of the speed with which events are moving, it is possible that this report will be to a large extent out-of-date before there is time to circulate it, but we feel that it may be of advantage to put on record certain general observations on the broad question of the use of Polish and Roumanian territory by the Russian forces.
6. We are in entire agreement with the Ambassador and Admiral Drax that the problem now raised by the Russians is fundamental and we consider that even if the Russians are willing to continue conversations without agreement on this point, the results to be expected from the ensuing conversations would be of very little value.
7. It is perfectly clear that without early and effective Russian assistance, the Poles cannot hope to stand up to a German attack on land or in the air for more than a limited time. The same applies to Roumania except that the time would be still more limited. The supply of arms and war material is not enough. If the Russians are to collaborate in resisting German aggression against Poland or Roumania they can only do so effectively on Polish or Roumanian soil; and, as the Ambassador points out, if permission for this is withheld till war breaks out, it would then be too late. The most the Allies could then hope for would be to avenge Poland and Roumania and perhaps restore their independence as a result of the defeat of Germany in a long war.
8. Without immediate and effective Russian assistance, not only in the air, but on land, the longer that war would be, and the less chance there would be of Poland or Roumania emerging at the end of it as independent States in anything like their original form.
9. If war does come the Poles and Roumanians will find themselves with their backs to the wall and they will inevitably be only too glad to seek support from any source. Unless the Poles and Roumanians have faced this fact beforehand, the assistance they will receive will be much less than if preparations and plans have been made in advance.
10. We suggest that it is now necessary to present this unpalatable truth to both the Poles and the Roumanians. To the Poles especially it ought to be pointed out that they have obligations to us as well as we to them; and that it is unreasonable for them to expect us blindly to implement our guarantee to them if, at the same time they will not cooperate in measures designed for a common purpose.
11. The conclusion of a treaty with Russia appears to us to be the best way of preventing a war. The satisfactory conclusion of this treaty will undoubtedly be endangered if the present Russian proposals for cooperation with Poland and Roumania were turned down by these countries.
12. At the worst if the negotiations with Russia break down, a Russo-German rapprochement may take place of which the probable consequence will be Russia and Germany decide to share the spoils and concert in a new partition of the Eastern European States. Alternatively, Russia might stand out as a neutral in the war and, unexhausted at its conclusion, take advantage of the subsequent chaos to take what she will from her neighbors.
Presumably, both the above alternatives must be equally repugnant to the Poles and the Roumanians.
In conclusion, we wish to emphasize once more our view that, if necessary, the strongest pressure should be brought on Poland and Roumania to agree in advance to the use of their territory by Russian forces, in the event of attack by Germany.
T.S.V. Phillips
H.R. Pownall (for D.C.I.G.S)
J.C. Slessor (for D.C.A.S)
16th August 1939
Cab 54 11 pgs 217-220
Deliberately stupid and self-destructive policy is a trait of puppet governments, not real ones.
Kazakhstan has spent years and a huge amount of effort switching to a Latin alphabet, which was crazy and there was no rational reason to do that, except “Russia bad.” Oh, and there were many attempts to do this in Ukraine as well. Lithuania is currently entertaining the idea of literally outlawing the letter “Z” because Russia is bad. Again, doing weird, dumb things and deliberately screwing up their own language isn’t something that normal, healthy governments do on their own. That’s something that happens when there are malignant outside forces funneling money and propaganda into the country.
Here’s a question. Why, in logical terms not emotional ones, is Polish nationalism sacred? Let’s imagine an alternate reality where Poland and Belarus are one unified state. Or maybe the Austro-Hungarian Empire still exists. Would it be that bad? If so, why? And I’m not picking on Poles specifically, this applies to everyone. Why do we have this idea that every ethnic group should have their own state? American leaders and diplomats insist that larger states, like the Soviet Union, China, or Yugoslavia are bad. Those large, prosperous states must be forcibly broken up into weak, impoverished ethno-states. We successfully broke up the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, tried to further break down Russia, and are trying to do the same to China. Imagine if that logic was applied to the USA itself. I’m telling you it would be a disaster. If the USA was broken up into 50 smaller states, or even 5, it would be the greatest humanitarian disaster since, well, since the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia were broken up.
Don’t get me started on Taiwan. Why do Chinese people in Taiwan have to be an antagonistic state locked in a never-ending cold war with the Chinese people on the mainland? Because some guys lost a war in 1949? Why can’t they just unify, peacefully trade, and cooperate with each other, instead of spending tons of money buying American weapons? Oh, right, I just answered my own question.
You are repeating Kremlin propaganda!
The vast majority of Russians I interact with are normal people who are proud of their heritage, and protective of their national security, like any sane person should be. That shouldn’t be a wildly controversial statement on my part, but I have to say it anyway because the deluge of propaganda would have us believe otherwise.
But weirdly, some of my most angsty critics on social media seem to be Russian liberals (if I misuse the word “liberal,” I apologize), who accuse me of spreading Moscow propaganda. Well, I could ask you the same question. Why do you, a Russian, spread Washington propaganda? Again, form your own opinions. Now granted, I have no way of knowing if a Russian comment on the internet is actually someone in Russia, and not a Russian-speaking troll from a NATO-aligned country, but for argument’s sake, I’ll take these comments at face value.
Let me remind you that this is a personal blog, and quite clearly presented myself. I do not pretend to be a neutral news writer presenting unbiased facts. You know which side of the issue I am biased toward because I told you. That said, when I make a claim that is not self-evident, I give links to sources. I also try my best to not spread gossip and unverified rumors. I have worked in a journalism-related field before, and if I was a journalist now (I am not), I would write as one. But again, I am not a journalist. This is not a news site and never will be. I cannot offer a feed of breaking, verified news about Ukraine, or any other topic for that matter. To even attempt such a thing, I would need a budget, and a team of at least three or four other people. That’s bare minimum, any fewer heads than that, a news site could not be timely and accurate. Even small local newsrooms need more bodies. I have no plans for such a thing. Honestly, I blog because I enjoy it. If blogging became a job, I would no longer enjoy it. If I wanted to be a journalist, I would get a job at an established news outlet.
Anyway, in murky geopolitical situations such as this one, informed opinions are sometimes better than “facts.” See, very often the “facts” are actually lies presented by someone with an agenda. Tell me who is better, a newscaster at a major brand who pretends to be neutral and deliberately spreads lies, or a biased blogger who tries to tell the truth?
So I will continue accusing nazis of war crimes, and it is silly to believe that Russians are deliberately blowing up themselves and their own people. If you want to believe that, fine, but don’t trouble me with your nonsense.
Dear Russian liberals, here is the blunt truth and I won’t bother being polite about it. Let’s say your Vladimir Vladimirovich is a dictator and the regime is a dictatorship. Хорошо, he is a dictator. And? Your alternative is death. NATO wants you behind barbed wire or in a body bag. Not Putin. Not your government. You. Can I make myself more clear? If you still do not understand this truth, you have been asleep for 30 years. If you allow the West to destroy your country, do you think you will be given a new one? Even if you are one of the fortunate few who can escape to a “free” country, you didn’t really escape anything and that is the truth. Even Ukrainian refugees are disliked, what do you think will happen to you?
We have coinciding interests. The Russian government needs to win the war, and the American government needs to go home and start looking after its own people, instead of spending all of our money on “containing Russian aggression.” Russia and the USA have not ever been “officially” at war. As far as I can tell, as weird as this sounds, we weren’t even “officially” at war when there were American troops in Northern Russia and Siberia. There was no formal declaration of war. Apparently, even those expeditions to Russia could be explained away as something other than war. They were small and could be dressed up as “peacekeeping.” There’s a reason for that.
Russia is not Iraq. A “real” war with Russia would require sacrifices. Many of our soldiers would have to be killed, and our civilian population would have to endure extreme hardship. Our elected leaders would have to convince American voters that all of that suffering is justified, and they can’t. In World War II, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany attacked our people, ships, and territory first. That war could be explained, it could be justified. A direct war with Russia could not be justified. It would be insanity and mutual suicide destroying both of our nations and every person with any common sense at all can figure that out, no matter what our propaganda says.
Even those American expeditions to Russia at the end of WWI did not work out well. There were casualties, and the American public quickly lost enthusiasm and wanted our boys to come home. However much western bankers personally wanted a full-scale invasion of Russia to stop the Bolsheviks, there was no way to plausibly justify it. So, again, Americans and Russians have overlapping interests, both as human beings and as pragmatic citizens of our respective countries. No sane, moral person wants more conflict and bloodshed. We should want the same outcome and everyone needs to start to understand that.
We have many, many of our own problems and the stereotypical “oppressed Russian” does not help. When a Navalny supporter loudly complains to western media outlets and writes viral tweets about how Russia is worse than Nazi Germany, that nonsense is turned around and used as propaganda against us. The USA was having serious economic problems long before the first Russian soldier crossed the contact line in Donbass. Our media amplifies your complaining to distract us from our own problems, and those problems will become ruinous if they are ignored for much longer.
Ian Kummer

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