Here’s my analysis of nazi propaganda from the last couple weeks, and what we can learn from it. Yes, this is disinformation, so is deliberately misleading. However, based on what has happened over the past three weeks, I am seeing clear trends in nazi disinformation coming out of Ukraine and the dictatorships of the “Collective West.” Nazi talking points are not random and do seem to have a clear, though often inverted, relationship with real-world events. I do believe it is possible to dissect this propaganda to gain insights about the nazi war machine, and their future plans.
Today I’m going to start with Tom Cooper, an “expert” who has made a name for himself amplifying ukronazi propaganda, and encouraging thousands of people on social media to accept it as fact. You can view his drivel for yourself on Facebook. Further down I’ll pull up some direct quotes and dissect them in detail. Anyway, I looked him up, and apparently he is an Austrian painter author who has spent the last several decades shilling for the NATO military industrial complex. Now he gets to take the mask off and shill for literal nazis in Ukraine, and boy he is having the time of his life right now.
First off, most of his propaganda is total nonsense. For example, like other nazi propagandists, Tom Cooper insisted for days on end that the Russian army was out of fuel with a huge column of vehicles “stalled” outside Kiev. However, his lies are interspersed with real facts and extreme detail, and vomits a dizzying array of unnecessary acronyms to give readers the impression that he knows what he’s talking about. So here are my insights on what we can learn about nazis from their propaganda:
Refusing to cite sources, do they even exist?
One of the first and most obvious features of Tom Cooper’s nazi shilling is how he responds to people who – quite reasonably – ask him where he’s getting this extraordinarily specific “intel.” He finds it “irritating” by people questioning him. How interesting.
That said, I do once in a while see apparently true statements in Tom Cooper’s drivel. That’s because he is almost certainly relying on the same (Russian) sources I do. The Russian MoD puts out daily pictures, videos, and press releases about their operations in Ukraine. Of course they don’t violate operational security (OPSEC), but they do sometimes give specifics like how many Ukrainian vehicles and military structures have been destroyed. He is probably also relying on the Ukrainian equivalents, and does nothing to filter or fact check these claims. That’s why he keeps repeating extraordinary and demonstrably false statements, like entire Russian regiments being wiped out. I mean, come on guy. The Russian army is big, but it’s not that big. We’re only three weeks into this. How many times is the Ruski horde going to be allegedly destroyed before people finally start noticing that the numbers don’t add up?
See, here’s the thing. I don’t think Tom Cooper’s super secret informants in the Ukrainian and Russian militaries actually exist. I think he’s just pulling the same publicly available information that everyone has access to, dressing it up, maybe inventing a few details and embellishments, then publishing it as “intel.” Okay.
I do have to ask why he gets so angry about people asking him about sources. Why? If he does have a secret squirrel in Kiev or a Russian tank battalion, I get why he wouldn’t want to drop a name. But why couldn’t he at least reveal his public sources, like the Russian MoD? I bet there are two reasons. The first and most obvious reason is he does not want to give any Russian sources at all. He cannot let people know there is another side to the story. Nazis are so terrified of Russian information they go to extreme lengths to prevent anybody from accessing it. The second, related reason is that he doesn’t want anyone to go directly to his sources and realize there’s nothing magical or special about them at all. He wants to keep as many people as possible mindlessly consuming and regurgitating his bullshit.
Masking lies with implausibly specific details
The “fog of war” is real, so it is almost pointless to try to discern specifics. Armchair generals and nazi shills love to ramble about the “order of battle” and it is so silly. Even doing this with the Russian forces is tricky, since they obviously don’t advertise details about their units and capabilities. Trying to come up with an order of battle for the Ukronazi forces is, I think, not only useless but actually counterproductive. I don’t think a Ukrainian order of battle even exists. As I have written previously (see my post here), much of the Ukrainian “army” is comprised of neo-nazi militias, paramilitary groups, and street gangs. That’s especially true now after the Zelensky regime emptied the prisons and handed out tens of thousands of automatic rifles to every asshole who wanted one.
If you had asked me a month ago how big I think the Ukrainian military is, I would have said probably around 200,000 people. That’s a very common estimate I’ve seen many times, but it was totally wrong. In actuality, Ukrainian forces seem to be 600 or even 700 thousand strong. Maybe even more than that. I think even the Russians underestimated the sheer number of trigger pullers in the Ukronazi war machine, and that shows in their overly-enthusiastic messaging in the opening salvos of the special operation. An “informal” composition of forces means that there is little in the way of a central command structure, that’s important to know, and unfortunately not in a good way.
Now an obvious rebuttal to what I just said is modern tech. We have satellites and drones now, and much of that imagery is publicly available. So we should be able to discern specific units, right? Yes, but also no. Ukraine is a huge country and both sides are employing military deception to obfuscate their movements and intentions. Just the fact that a few Ukrainian aircraft and drones have survived this late into the war illustrates how hard it is to find people and assets who don’t want to be found. On that last note, I think we cannot completely discount the possibility that Ukronazis are using NATO airfields to preserve their aircraft, and discretely drip-feeding them to jump fields closer to the front. I actually struggle to come up with a better explanation for how the Ukronazis are accomplishing this trick.
To cite another example, the Azov Battalion, the most infamous gang of cutthroat lowlifes and Banderist war criminals in the world. Right now they’re holding what’s left of Mariupol hostage. How many militants do they have? Well, even the word “battalion” is used informally here. Supposedly, from what I saw prior to Operation Z, around 1,000 militants. But now, I don’t think that number is right and it’s probably much higher than that. For God’s sake, it’s a neo-nazi street gang. They could recruit as many thugs as they want, and have had eight years to do it. There could be 10 or 15 thousand of them for all we know at this point. I don’t think it’s even safe to specify a full list of towns and regions they operate in.
Holing up in cities and taking women and children as human shields doesn’t need a command structure. Even a low-IQ gang member can handle static defenses and terror tactics, and doesn’t need a lot of supervision to do it. The problem with this is that even if the Russians manage to find a sensible person in the Ukrainian government to negotiate peace, there’s not much chance that the nazis are going to care. Zelensky is a puppet and probably isn’t even in Ukraine anymore, but even if he is, why would nazis listen to the Jewish clown-in-chief? At this point, it’s a fight to the death and a peaceful resolution is becoming less and less likely. The odds are almost zero now, I would say. Nobody can even get the nazis to respect humanitarian corridors. They’re still dispersing or outright murdering people who try to escape the cities, so we can hardly expect nazis to listen to a ceasefire.
So moving forward, here’s a pretty good rule of thumb to use when looking at any “analysis” of what’s happening in Ukraine right now. It’s only safe to speak in broad terms. If an “expert” like Tom Cooper is giving wildly specific detail, spelling out every little thing that companies and squads are doing, he is almost certainly full of shit.
Rampant logical fallacies
Here’s a list of logical fallacies, and Tom Cooper commits a lot of them. Appeals to authority, big lie technique, blind loyalty, confirmation bias… but there is one particular fallacy that Tom Cooper commits habitually in his “analysis,” and is arguably the most serious one. Fundamental attribution error.
“A corrupt argument from ethos, this fallacy occurs as a result of observing and comparing behavior. “You assume that the bad behavior of others is caused by character flaws and foul dispositions while your behavior is explained by the environment. So, for example, I get up in the morning at 10 a.m. I say it is because my neighbors party until 2 in the morning (situation) but I say that the reason why you do it is that you are lazy. Interestingly, it is more common in individualistic societies where we value self volition. Collectivist societies tend to look at the environment more.”
Nazis and nazi shills like Tom Cooper are particularly prone to committing fundamental attribution error due to their blind, irrational adherence to nazi race theory. Let me give a racially-oriented example of fundamental attribution error. A normal person sees a Mexican guy sleeping under a tree, and concludes he must have been working a long time and is tired. A nazi looks at the Mexican, and concludes he is sleeping because Mexicans are lazy. See how that works now? Not only was the nazi’s conclusion wrong, it was the opposite of the truth. Tom Cooper sees Russians as racially inferior to Aryans, so attributes their actions to this supposed racial inferiority, and is oblivious to obvious circumstances and environmental realities that would motivate Russians to behave a certain way.
For example, let’s go back to when Tom Cooper was loudly claiming that Russian tanks were out of fuel. His entire basis for this statement was that there were a bunch of Russian tanks not moving. So when I first heard of a Russian tank column hanging out near Kiev, here are the first thoughts that came to my head:
-They’re waiting for orders.
-Sitting on and near a highway is convenient.
-They have air superiority and aren’t worried about grouping on a road.
-It would not make sense for tanks to be out of fuel within 75 miles of their own border, less than 48 hours into an operation.
Anyone who is not a complete moron should have been able to use the same reasoning as I did, but Tom Cooper is so blinded by his irrational hatred of Russians he is totally unaware of the real, logical causes for what they’re doing, and consistently makes wrong, sometimes opposite of true conclusions. Again, he had literally zero evidence for the idea that the Russian tanks were out of fuel. Of course it’s really silly to assume a tank is out of fuel just because it’s not moving at that particular moment, but that’s the downfall of nazis. Tom Cooper is literally incapable of assigning logical motives to Russians. He assumes everything they do is caused by being weak, incompetent untermensch. I’m actually very glad and relieved that Tom Cooper and (most) other nazis are like this. They are divorced from reality, and this is possibly their greatest weakness. Look at some of the drivel from one of his most recent posts:
“Bottom line, the Russians do not have enough forces to even surround Kyiv [sic, it’s KIEV lol], not to talk about assaulting it. Indeed, they seem to be so short on troops, they’re unable of [sic] at least re-launching their offensive south of the E40 highway.”
Again, look at how incredibly silly that statement is. When there’s an offensive, it is possible to at least make guesses as to what that offensive is meant to accomplish. But Tom Cooper is trying to draw conclusions from the Russians not doing something. How is he supposed to do that? That’s literally like saying I didn’t drive to the grocery store today because I can’t afford gasoline. It is hard to assign motivations to not doing something, and I am appalled that I actually have to explain that.
To make Tom Cooper’s statement even more profoundly stupid, in a modern battlefield, it isn’t necessary to control an area by putting troops directly on top of it. Surrounding Kiev on four sides would expose more Russian forces to attack, so it makes a lot of sense to not send troops to certain places if those areas can be covered by air and indirect fire.
It actually gets worse than this. Deliberately leaving an opening for the enemy is an ancient technique that goes back to Sun Tzu.
The Chinese general, military strategist, writer and philosopher Sun Tzu wrote that when an army surrounds its enemies it is prudent to “leave an opening”. This strategy is often referred to as building a “Golden Bridge” as it allows one’s enemy to avoid certain defeat through escape.
While western armies tend to follow the ideas of Clausewitz, delighting in the total extermination of enemies and their entire civilian populations, Russians tend to have an eastern attitude toward warfare, and this isn’t new. They’re fond of the idea of compelling their enemies to run away, and win without fighting. Leaving a golden bridge open out of Kiev makes a lot of sense, and is consistent with Russian talking points about humanitarian corridors. Every nazi who loses his stomach to fight and runs away is one less enemy to destroy.
Keeping these nazis alive is actually beneficial for another reason. A nazi who abandons his heavy equipment and runs away is not only useless, he becomes a burden to his own side. Those nazis hide in Western Ukraine and consume food, which there are limited quantities of. Even better, at least some of them probably keep going West, reach an EU country, claim refugee status and demand welfare. It’s actually embarrassing that Tom Cooper is too blinded by his irrational hatred and racism to see such a basic fact. For God’s sake, a child who likes to play war games on his computer probably knows about this technique.
Another thing about nazis and their fundamental attribution error. They never realize their ideological blinders aren’t working and adjust them. Tom Cooper didn’t learn from the tank column blunder and keeps making the same mistake. Another quote from him:
“Once again: reality is that the VKS is critically short on PGMs. Not only that Russia has next to no production facilities, know-how and technologies necessary to manufacture these, but their PGMs are also too complex and thus expensive to make (no modular designs like ‘add-on’ kits for the US-designed Mk.80-series of bombs), and thus Putin, Shoygu & Co KG GesmbH AG never cared to pay for them. Indeed, I doubt the Russians have released more than 50-60 PGMs in three weeks of war (including those fired by their UAVs). Of those spent in combat the mass consisted of 30(+)-years old Kh-31 anti-radar missiles (‘AS-17 Krypton’) – all fired by the same group (perhaps 4-5 in total) of senior Su-34- and Su-35-pilots.”
In other words, “the untermensch have not fired very many of this particular type of missile, therefore those missiles do not exist because untermensch are too stupid and racially inferior to build them.”
Yes, Tom Cooper. Continue wildly underestimating your enemy and let your prejudice dictate your perception of reality. Please continue to do that.
Conditioning his audience to accept war crimes and genocide
Even early on (see my article here), I could see some clear motivations in the nazi propaganda:
-Portray the Russians as evil Asiatic untermensch, and the Ukrainian nazis as Aryan heroes, “European Christians.” Literally.
-Insist that the Ukrainian nazis have a fighting chance of winning, so prolonging the war and causing more deaths isn’t bad. It is actually righteous and good.
-The Russians have overwhelming numbers so will win after the Ukrainians run out of bullets, but are incompetent and easy to defeat. So it is righteous and good for NATO to declare war on Russia, we absolutely should do this, and there is not even a small chance of risk to us.
Perhaps the most profoundly interesting thing I saw from Tom Cooper’s feed was this:
Example: the USA won the wars for Europe of 1914-1945 because it not only managed to exercise control with help of kinetic solutions, but was also offering working alternatives to both the defeated opponents, and ruined allies. Result was a period of unprecedented economic and political development – and thus the well-being – of the population of Europe: for 50 years the people had the outlooks and perspectives. The USSR did manage to win the war in 1945 by exercising control with help of kinetic solutions, but lost it by failing to offer working (political) alternatives. The WWII thus actually ended only in 1991-1992, with the collapse of the USSR (perhaps one could extend this to the defeat of Serbia in 1999, especially because the county is ever since refusing offers for working solutions, and that on its own…).”
Well, I do agree. The USSR succeeded in defeating the Axis, the first wave of 20th Century nazism, but failed to defeat the second wave, NATO. The nazis licked their wounds, hammered their swastika into a compass (but still looks like an honest-to-God swastika), tried again, and, sadly, won the second round. Now they’re back for Round 3. I find it fascinating that an Austrian nazi propagandist so freely admits that World War II wasn’t about defeating nazism, it was about defeating the Soviet Union, and always was, right from the beginning.
Over the last few weeks, I have noticed a shift in nazi talking points, including from Tom Cooper himself. No more talk of Russian anti-war protesters dragging Putin outside and murdering him. No, those weird fantasies are gone. Instead, blame for the de-nazification of Ukraine has been placed squarely on the Russian people themselves. From Tom Cooper:
Actually important issue is that there is no change in position of the Russian public vis-à-vis Putin. Or if, and by all the bitching in private, the population seems to be rallying around him, often really behaving like ’members of the Red Man Sect’ (like when students of prominent Russian universities are making pro-Putin videos, in which they are demonstratively showing anti-West sentiments).
I’ve also noticed that nazis no longer distinguish between the Russian people and their soldiers, referring to them collectively as “enemies” needing to be destroyed. Tom Cooper and other nazi propagandists have also started referring to Russians as “orcs.”
But, people: please, get sober. Ukraine does not need your 10 euros/dollar/pounds or pesos, but €100+ billion – just to fight the war, not to talk about any possible recovery, sometimes in the future (once the last of RFA’s orcs is out of the country).
Apparently, the nazi racist caricatures of World War II aren’t enough to satisfy their hatred. They have to invoke subhuman creatures from a fictional fantasy world.
“Foremost, right now, it [Ukraine] needs no ‘3,000 Panzerfaust 3’, but high-tech weapons for which the Russians have no solutions and weapons that kill a weapons that kill a lots [sic] of enemies with a single blow – while, preferably, not jeopardising [sic] a single Ukrainian.
Say, ‘more robots’. UCAVs, loitering PGMs, etc. Then, cluster-bomb warheads filled with incendiaries (like, yes, that, notorious white phosophrus [sic]), and thermobaric warheads. There’s very little the Russian generals fear as much as their own TOS-1s. Why? Because when the insurgents of the First Coastal Division blew up one (by a TOW), back in November 2015, the resulting conflagration blasted away a battalion worth of Russians, Assadists, SSNPs (de-facto Lebanese/Syrian Nazis), and IRGC/Hezbollah.”
Using incendiary chemical weapons on people is obviously a war crime, and a horrible one. But need I remind you, these are nazis we’re talking about. Being absolutely cruel and evil is a trait that nazis are famous for, and this is apparent from their own rhetoric and actions.
Tom Cooper is not alone. There has been a lot of talk about biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine, and I fear that this is an omen of something horrible about to happen.
Hopefully such a horrible thing doesn’t happen, but the possibility is looming, and there is no evil that nazis aren’t capable of. Remember that Soviet missile the Ukronazis launched against Russian civilians in Donetsk, killing 23? (see my story here) I wonder if that was a way to “test the waters.” If so, it was a complete success. This was a clear war crime, but the western corporate media insisted it was a Kremlin false flag or whatever and there was zero public outrage in the West. If the nazis could get away with that, they can get away with anything.
In a previous article (read it here) I speculated that the Biden regime might carry out a terrorist atrocity against Donbass to provoke Russia into launching an attack against Ukraine. I was wrong, apparently, but maybe I had it backward. What if a terrorist action was planned, but not against the Russians? What if the Biden regime plans to murder Ukrainians, and then blame it on Russia, like what was done to Syria? Sure, there could be a faked attack, but a real one would be that much more effective. What if nazis unleash some anthrax in a crowded Kiev metro tunnel, or blow up a dirty bomb? There’s any number of things they could do and no realistic way for Russia to prevent them from targeting their own population. Then the Biden regime could insist that Russia was responsible, with no evidence, and all of the nazi shills would repeat this lie as fact.
Anything is possible now.
I do think even the Russians themselves underestimated the irrational, blind hatred Europe has for them. I myself am astonished about how eagerly Europe has embraced nazism and Holocaust 2.0. They thirst so desperately for Russian blood they’re willing to commit suicide for just one small taste. They’re in the process of thoroughly destroying their own economies (which were already weakened from two years of insane, fascist COVID lockdowns), and show no signs of having second thoughts. The sanctions war isn’t a game. Russia supplies crucial energy, food, and fertilizer to Europe. No country is safe from famine, and a famine can absolutely happen if a government does enough stupid things. Europe is well down that road now and have a narrowing window to back down and start using their brains.
People in the global South, what can they do right now? Many of those countries have economic ties with Russia that are too important to cut off. If they refuse Russian grain, fertilizer, and technology, they’ll starve. But if they choose to defy the sanctions and continue dealing with Russia, they risk incurring the insatiable wrath of the nazi empire. Best case scenario, the collective nazi regimes will impose genocidal sanctions on those countries as well. Worst case scenario, the nazi forces of NATO will arrive on their shores and wage an actual war of extermination on their people, bombing their cities to dust and sponsoring terrorist groups within their population. Like what was done to Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Or occupied and raped for decades for no particular reason like what was done to Afghanistan.
To make matters worse, the nazi dictators of Europe are themselves vassals of the nazi dictator in Washington. Russia has a serious problem and there’s no clear diplomatic solution to it. Zelensky is a puppet, the nazi dictators of Europe are puppets, even Joe Biden himself is a senile old dimwit, therefore a puppet. Who can Russians even talk to who isn’t a puppet? Who is the puppet master behind this madness? Is there even a brain at all, or is Western civilization a berserker acting on pure instinct, a decapitated, rotten, mindless killing machine determined to destroy as much human life as possible before it dies?
Unlike Tom Cooper, I do not underestimate the enemy, nor do I think the outcome of a war is predetermined. There is an old Ukronazi saying,
“Крым буде украинским або безлюдним.”
Crimea will be Ukrainian, or uninhabited.
The Russian operation, or invasion, whatever the hell you wish to call it, has started and cannot be stopped now. Russia’s very survival is at stake, both as a nation and as a people. If the nazis win, they’ll unleash a pogrom on Ukraine, driving away, punishing, or more likely, killing everyone they deem was insufficiently loyal to the nazi regime during the war. They’ll wipe out Crimea and Donbass down to the last man, woman, and child. They’ll kill however many Russians as they possibly can. Whether or not that’s likely to happen or if they have the power to do it, that’s what the nazis want and fantasize about doing. Even Ukraine’s national anthem is macabre.
Ще не вмерла Украіна,
И слава, и воля!
Ще намъ, браття-молодiї,
Усміхнетця доля!
Згинуть наші вороги,
Якъ роса на сонці;
Запануємъ, браття, й ми
У своій сторонці.
Never perished is Ukraine’s
Glory and freedom!
Still upon us, young brethren,
Fate shall smile!
Our enemies shall vanish
Like dew in the sun;
We too shall rule
In our beloved country.”
What kind of regime has an anthem like that? Since Tom Cooper likes Tolkien references so much, here’s a Tolkien quote, or a paraphrased one at least.
“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.”
The nazis of the West have corrupted and ruined Ukraine. They sunk their claws into Ukraine’s soul and twisted her into something horrible and evil. They turned her whole culture into a weapon. They brainwashed entire generations of children to hate their brothers and sisters across the border, and within their own communities. They nazified Ukraine, creating not a country, but rather, a horrible distorted caricature of a country. It is an imaginary, fictitious state that is poisonous and malignant, and needs to be cleansed. Western “civilization” is a cancer, and that cancer has infected Ukraine, and the only possible cure left is surgical intervention. War is never good, but the cause for war can, and must, be good. So in that sense, the war in Ukraine is a good one, it is a just and sacred war against nazism, and it must succeed.
Here’s a segment I wrote in a previous article, and is fitting to repeat here:
The West’s greatest strength is that we have absolutely no sense of morality. We’re also utterly nihilistic and think human life is worthless, including our own. Our regimes in the West are willing to slaughter millions of people if we think it might give us even a trivial economic advantage later. Trying to negotiate with the West is like wrestling with a man covered in gasoline and holding a lit match. We’re willing to risk the extermination of the entire human race over the price of bananas. Our adversaries are afraid of angering us and often make concessions. That’s because they’re not insane and don’t want to constantly risk death over random short-term disagreements.
But our nihilism and lack of morality is also our greatest weakness. We’ll pursue pointless sadism for its own sake, and are oblivious to the idea that our actions might have unforeseen consequences. We’re snakes who crawl on our bellies and can’t imagine life upright. We think everybody is as cruel, greedy, and stupid as we are, and are always planning to attack us unless we attack them first. We think the concept of friendship is stupid, and that’s because we don’t actually have any friends. The “Global South” obeys us only out of fear. The rest of the world is terrified of us, and there’s nothing that unites people faster than fear of a common enemy.
Not only is there fear, there’s a sense of urgency to it. The West is becoming increasingly deranged and violent. We love to declare other nations undemocratic, authoritarian, dictatorships, or outright enemies, and we’ll do it for increasingly bizarre reasons, like having the wrong number of genders, being insufficiently committed to climate change, or refusing to have drag queen storytime for toddlers. And these aren’t just empty words. After a country is labeled a “dictatorship,” she has to be destroyed. We cripple her economy with sanctions. We seek out her marginalized minorities and radicalize them, arm them, and encourage them to kill their neighbors. We flood her streets with machine guns and explosives. We kill her leaders and torture their families. From that moment onward, we spend every second of the day thinking up ways to hurt her, and in the cruelest, and most brutal ways possible.
When people are trapped in a locked room with a crazy gunman, no matter how scared they are of him, eventually they’re going to start thinking “it’s him or us.”
I think it’s time to finally acknowledge the elephant in the room. Russia is the leader of the free world, and humanity’s last, best hope against the neoliberal tyrants of the West, the new world order, global nazism, and woke fascism
Here’s a gem from a friend across the ocean. This got her banned from LinkedIn, incidentally. She’s back on Telegram as condor_the_bird, and you should give her a follow if you haven’t already.

Ian Kummer

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I now have a new YouTube channel that I will use to upload videos from my travels around Russia. Expect new content there soon. Please give me a follow here.
Also feel free to connect with me on Quora (I sometimes share unique articles there).
I just caught a couple mistakes and hyperlinks I forgot to add. I fixed them.
Hi Ian; interesting article, and I concur with a lot of what you are saying. Wonder if there is a bit of a danger – when referring to “the West” in toto i.e politicians, corporates, media, general populace, which are of course further split by culture – that you end up with your own attribution bias. There are of course some environmental commonalities as you say which are relevant; a) no recent experience of war on the front lawn; an increasing cynicism regarding politicians (that can then be easily extrapolated to “enemy” politicians as they are now “evil” as well as corrupt), plus a collective (unconscious?) guilt regarding the chaos NATO has inflicted on countries of “the other” (black people, brown people etc) which I think is behind the anti-Russian hysteria.
However, this is not the sum of the whole; there are a range of other factors too. I’ll stop there, happy to engage further if you are.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for reaching out, I would be happy to discuss this with you. And yes, I agree. Fundamental attribution error applies to all sides. I don’t think anyone on either side is doing evil things for the sake of doing evil things. So for example, the idea of a chemical/bio weapon attack on Ukrainians would not be just a bad thing done for no reason. It would fulfill the clear purpose of being a “horrifying” Russian war crime used to justify direct NATO intervention, or *at least* vastly increased spending to support the Ukrainian “freedom fighters.”
The problem I am encountering is that I have been making predictions based on the assumption that Biden and friends have rational motivations, and aren’t going to figuratively cut their own throats to own the Russians. Firstly, they went to vastly greater extremes with the sanctions war than I ever could have imagined (I predicted that Biden wouldn’t mess with SWIFT… wrong). Also, these daily press briefings by the Russian MoD… up until recently, they were pretty coy and rarely made particularly vocal complaints about the West was doing. I assume that was intentional and to downplay the grievances with Ukraine – the Russian *invasion* caught everybody, myself included, by surprise, after all. But now with this new information coming out, nasty details from the Maidan uprising, biolabs, etc… the NATO crowd went to pretty extraordinary lengths to piss off the Russians, actually more than I had ever realized until now.
Good analysis from Moon of Alabama, btw
So frankly, I have always assumed there was at least *some* rational motivation behind this pissing contest with Russia… but I’m starting to run out of ideas! Whatever the West could gain from crippling Russia could not, in my mind at least, be possibly with the substantial risk of wrecking the EU economy – the USA is a bit more insulated from economic shock of decoupling from Russia, but there is the risk of trashing the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. If that happens, the USA as we know it as toast. Simply toast. We have feet of clay with a $30 trillion national debt, so if the dollar gets dethroned, the whole house of cards comes down and I can not think of anything worth taking that risk.
Unless of course this huge venting of hostility toward Russia is happening because our ruling elites feel truly threatened, and that the Dollar will be dethroned anyway and only extreme action/violence now will stop that.
Thanks, Ian. Intersting observations.
Yes, it was difficult to estimate numbers and still difficult, cuz you never know how many ppl actually join territorial defense. And yes, I think it is preferrable to allow nazis to flee to, say, Poland so that they get some of their own medicine in the free and democratic Europe.
It is funny that we have weapons that we cannot make;).
Your posts are interesting and I’m trying to set up my Telegraph account to see your site.
Yesterday I went to the liquor store to get some real Russian Vodka. When it comes to AK’s, Caviar and Vodka nobody can do it better than the Russians. They had removed it in support of Ukraine. I said to the manager, “Yes, Russia is in Ukraine and it’s our fault so you better remove all the bourbon, gin, scotch from the shelves as well. But by all means leave the schnapps.”
This naturalized American knows this truth. America didn’t win WW2. Russia did with our help.
I am saddened by what my country has become and at one time I was party to it. When the realization of my error hit me I had an existential crisis similar to Ian’s. I believe we’re both the better because of it.
God bless Russia and God, please save America.
Thank you, it’s great to know that there are people in the USA and in other countries who know the truth or want to find it despite this hate campaign. Ian is doing a great job to help it.
And yes, may God save and bless all of us.
I find it amazing that any half-educated person can believe this disgusting bile.
Tom has said even dumber and more disgusting things since then.
In fact, the more educated a person is, the more institutionalized they are and thus more likely to believe what the institutions tell them.
Apparently he raged about this post I wrote months ago on his Medium account, hence why there’s a sudden influx of slava ukraini trolls
White phosphorus bombs are not chemical weapons (asphyxiating or toxic substances) – the use of which is prohibited by the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (CWC) since 1997. They fall into the category of incendiary weapons.
WP is a chemical weapon and using it on people is a war crime.
I’m very much late to the party but I’ve come across Tom Cooper in researching Soviet technology, especially fighter aircraft in Arab armies against Israel. I agree with all the assessments in this article. He’s got this basic propagandistic methodology where he randomly mixes facts with his own manufactured reality and blends them with a basic seemingly monotone prose to make it harder to distinguish from one other. He’s particularly fond of rapid firing outrageous (almost always baseless) claims with a passive tone as to detract from their sheer absurdity, rarely if at all providing sources. I was reading some of his books floating around and until I started to separate the arguments made in various chapters, realizing their often contradictory, more than often unsubstantiated nature which lead me to conclude that he was a useless source and any scrutiny that goes beyond the surface level revealed him to be a poor scholar at best and a shameless propagandist at worst. His material is basically a minimum amount of surface level easily accessible already established facts wrapped in his crappy veneer of journalism/research posturing that lacks any scholarly merit in terms of methodology and presentation. The guy is just some poor schmuck on western intelligence services’ payroll for years and his main assignment seems to be reinventing history as a revisionist hack.
hey thanks for chiming in – never too late 🙂 But yes that’s a perfect description of him. Rapid-fire nonsense stated so confidently it can make you question your own grasp of reality