We are standing at an inflection point in history, and there can be no bystanders. Everyone needs to help. Here’s what you can do to turn the tide of the information war against global nazism. And by “help,” I don’t mean vapid “thoughts and prayers.” I’m talking about real, practical things every person reading this can do that will have a meaningful impact in the war. This is by no means a full, comprehensive list, so if you have other ideas, please suggest them in the comments.
Ditch Google, get Yandex
Google is openly participating in the information war. They’re supporting literal nazis in Ukraine. They are nazis. Get rid of them. Stop using Google products in any context. Save your data and completely uninstall every Google app from your devices. Don’t even use their search engine.
Then, start using Yandex.
Almost every Google product has a Yandex equivalent, and it’s just as good. Yandex is a Russian company. By taking away business from Google and giving it to Yandex, you’re taking money out of the nazis’ pockets and helping Russia in the fight against tyranny and fascism. Google loses market share, and Yandex gains market share.
There are nazis right now using women and children as human shields, and Google is openly helping them. There can be no question of ignorance. Censorship requires knowledge. Google knows these war crimes are happening, and going to great lengths to cover them up. They actively censor and suppress all news agencies trying to warn the global public that these crimes are happening. Google might as well be holding the gun themselves. Don’t let them get away with it. Get rid of Google! Do it! Don’t mull it over, don’t contemplate it, just do it.
If you had the opportunity to go back to 1941 and take money away from Hitler so he could build fewer tanks, guns, and death camps, wouldn’t you do it? If you take away 5 cents, that’s one less bullet. Take away $1, $10, $100… maybe we can’t stop nazis from fighting, but we can force them to fight with empty guns and empty stomachs.
Not only is this the right and just thing to do, there will be immediate personal benefits to you. The Yandex search engine doesn’t engage in the rampant pro-nazi censorship and propaganda that Google does. Doing searches on Yandex will get you more accurate, fair and balanced results. I also strongly recommend Yandex Translate. No machine translation service is perfect, but Yandex does a good job, especially with Russian-to-English (that is their native language, after all). Translation services are going to be increasingly important moving forward as we divest ourselves from mainstream corporate media and engage with independent journalism from Russia, East, Asia, and the colloquial “Global South.”
That said, there are some exceptions to the rule. That’s not hypocrisy, just common sense. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. For example, there are still a (dwindling) number of independent news sources that YouTube hasn’t quite gotten around to censoring yet. By all means give them your views and ad revenue. But be prepared to go to an alternative, like Rumble. Be prepared for the time when you need to completely divorce yourself from all Google media, including YouTube. So be ready.
I am still in the middle of divorcing myself from Google, and I am finding that it is no small thing. It is amazing how dependent I have become on Google, and it was mostly out of laziness. Saving my passwords, bookmarks, and a plethora of other personal data in my routine has become a habit of convenience, and it’s surprisingly difficult to quit. But I implore everyone to bite the bullet and take this important step. I know these radical changes to our personal habits are not easy and I struggle with it myself, but we have to do it.
Rethink how you use social media
I see many people asking for alternatives to the American social media giants, or what I call the “big three of nazism.” Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. This is a valid question and there are alternatives, both in the USA and abroad. I have a (Russian) VK account for this very reason.
That said, the question itself is framed on a logically and morally unsound premise. There is no “free market of ideas” anymore. Just because there are uncensored American and Russian social media platforms now doesn’t mean there always will be. Social media itself is a thinking trap that completely changed the way people use the internet, and for the worst. Back in the day, the world wide web was a Wild West of free thinking, and you could go anywhere and find original information and ideas for yourself. Instead, we rely on a handful of social media giants to do the thinking for us, and we just mindlessly consume the garbage they throw into our feeds. Stop scrolling! Go to the Yandex search bar and find information for yourself.
Your clicks, your scrolling, your time, are valuable. If your time wasn’t valuable, big tech companies wouldn’t spend billions of dollars harvesting it. Social media is easy and it’s addictive. That’s the downfall, and why we need to move away from it. Find bloggers you like and give them your time instead. You’re reading a blog right now! Bookmark your favorite bloggers and visit us regularly.
If you like this story, or any story on any blog, here’s what you need to do. Read it in full, scroll to the end, and leave a substantial comment. These little investments of time are extraordinarily helpful to us. They boost our search engine rankings in a meaningful way. Comments are, believe it or not, useful as well. They add more content and text to a page, and more interaction, all of which counts in our favor. If you particularly enjoy a story, email or direct message it to your friends and family. Encourage them to read and interact with it as well. All of these little things help, and they add up.
Now by no means am I saying abandon social media. No, not at all. But rethink how you use it. Social media are weapons by the nazis against our minds, but we can re-tool it against them. So if you like this article, well, share it to social media! Limit the hours per day you mindlessly scroll on Facebook and Twitter, but when you do see a story you like, stop. First of all, actually click and read the story. After you’re done reading, give it a react, make a comment, and share it! Do all three of these things, and even shadow-banned and censored authors will get a boost.
If you have your own little blog, or know of one you like, share it with me in the comments. I’ll make a note of it for my own daily reading, and I will share it in my own stories and blog roll.
Social media shares are useful because they direct traffic to a blog page. Links on other web pages, whether they’re embedded in a story, or even the comments section, also direct traffic, and they also tell a search engine algorithm that this is useful, interesting content, and boosts rankings. It all helps.
If you live in the “collective West,” speak up!
Russians have not been quiet. They’ve been actively engaged in conversation since the beginning of the armed conflict with Ukrainian nazis eight years ago. The problem is that people living outside of the Anglosphere tend to be more aggressively censored on American platforms. Also, they are the “other.” Outsiders. The nazis have also brainwashed many western audiences to believe that every single Russian outlet is on the personal payroll of Putin. That’s a silly and stupid thing to believe, but they believe it. Russian news outlet? Propaganda! Russian blogger? Propaganda! Bored housewife on twitter? Propaganda! Unfortunately, it has gotten to a point where the only way to engage and convince western audiences is with western mouthpieces. Russians are already doing their part, and paying with their own blood (again), so it is time we help them in every little way we can.
Don’t be afraid to offend people
Perhaps the worst social impact of COVID was the crybullying cancel culture it cemented across the western world. Nazi propaganda by itself is harmless. Yes, nazis can make up stupid stories like the ghost of Kiev and the 50 billion children eaten by Russian soldiers. What makes these stories harmful is that people endlessly repeat them, and bully everyone else into silence. The war in Ukraine is a complex geopolitical issue and I understand that there are different viewpoints. The problem is that anybody who even mildly disagrees with supporting Ukronazis is automatically slandered as a “Putin lover.” This is what makes nazi propaganda so harmful, we become afraid of social shaming and stay quiet. The future of the human race is at stake right now, and I am not exaggerating. The nazis will either be defeated, or they will win. There is no other outcome, and there can be no bystanders in this.
Many of the people reading this story right now, especially in the EU, live under nazi regimes that have made it literally illegal to oppose nazism. If someone in the EU even suggests that Russia is right and nazis are wrong, that person can go to prison. People have gone to prison already. For you, dear readers, living under these nazi dictatorships in Europe, I understand there are real-world consequences for you to stand up for good against evil, so I won’t be condescending and insist on a course of action. Make a choice and do what you will. But make sure it is a choice that you will be able to live with.
Russians are being kicked off the big globalist social media platforms by the tens of thousands, and with good reason. Nazis are afraid of the truth. Here’s one of the last comments a friend of mine made before being banned by LinkedIn – the comment below was also deleted.

Stop being politically correct
To extend and elaborate on my previous point, the nazis have weaponized language. They insist on politically correct rules and bully people into complying with them. Stop obeying these rules. Go out of your way to disobey them. Start now. It is not “Kyiv.” It is Kiev. They are not Ukrainian “nationalists.” They are nazis. Don’t let nazis dictate the words you use. These tactics are deliberate and Orwellian. “Newspeak” is the idea of twisting how people talk, making it impossible to even have a rebellious thought because there are no words for it. Yes, this includes stupid arbitrary rules, like declaring the letter “e” as too Russian. Speak the truth, and don’t let anyone dissuade you from that.
If anyone has good suggestions to add, I will update this list. Thank you for your time, and I hope you will follow up with some action. The time to act is now, and there can be no waiting.
Also, give my friend Condor the Bird a follow on Telegram. She’s a Russian writer who has been banned from almost every other channel. If you want a fair and sincere Russian perspective, she’s a good person to start with.
Featured Image Source: Geralt on Pixabay
Ian Kummer

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I now have a new YouTube channel that I will use to upload videos from my travels around Russia. Expect new content there soon. Please give me a follow here.
Also feel free to connect with me on Quora (I sometimes share unique articles there).
i followed your friend Condor on telegram and found some of her stuff online, she is worth a follow.
It’s true, LinkedIn is filled with pro Ukraine propaganda,
I actually wrote a post refuting it also expecting to get banned, but I’m still there.
One other thing I have done is write an email to one of the local political parties
About the Ukraine issue.
well, thank you for trying. I do hope enough people listen and see how destructive all of this is.