The West is utterly divorced from reality. Shooting down aircraft belonging to another nation is an act of war, and treating it as anything less than that is utterly insane.
This article from Politico is one of the craziest I’ve seen, though all of the articles from our corporate media lately have been varying degrees of crazy. Columnist Tom Enders proposes sending fighters into Ukrainian airspace, and using Patriot batteries.
My house in Iowa is sold and last night I arrived in North Carolina to stay with friends. This is the first time in months I’ve watched TV, and it is insane. National and even local news networks are completely saturated with 24/7 propaganda about Ukraine. And it’s not just propaganda, it’s ludicrous propaganda completely divorced from reality.
This is deliberate, insidious disinformation on an almost unprecedented scale. Most Americans know very little about Ukraine or Russia, and their lack of knowledge is deliberately exploited by the Biden regime and his cronies in the corporate media.
Moral considerations aside, propaganda and being divorced from reality comes with serious peril. The NATO empire and her nazi surrogates are not advantageously positioned for a regional war in Eastern Europe. There are no aircraft carriers in the Black Sea, and the majority of NATO airpower close enough to do anything are obsolete and undermaintained F-15s and Soviet Migs. Regarding ground support aircraft like the A-10, anyone who thinks that’s a good idea is an idiot. A 40-year-old slow-moving airframe is fine for blowing up villages in Iraq, but it’s not a tool that can realistically survive confrontations with someone with adequate anti-air defenses, like Russia.
Even F-22s and Eurofighters have grossly exaggerated performance and survivability. The F-22 in particular has performed poorly in confrontations with Russian fighters. As for the pilots themselves, even our own experts have been warning for years that USAF training standards have been on the decline for years and our aircrews aren’t prepared for a 1:1 equal fight with a technologically sophisticated opponent who can actually shoot back.
Trying to ship weapons to nazi terrorist groups in Ukraine is bad enough, but any kind of military intervention against Russian forces in the country would be a direct invitation for our own airfields and military installations to be bombed.
A regional war would be a bloodbath, and the risk of it escalating into a global nuclear war is too high, no matter what the shills at NATO think tanks and corporate media outlets insist. These are the same pricks who spent almost three weeks falsely insisting that Russian tank columns had run out of fuel within 70 miles of their own border.
Once upon a time, Ukraine was a peaceful and prosperous state. Now it’s a nightmarish hellhole saturated with nazis, terrorists, drug dealers, and military-grade weapons. The Soviet Union didn’t do that, and Russia didn’t do that. We did. Our government and military did that. And we accomplished that after less than 30 years of influence, and eight years of colonization.
At this point, let’s accept this situation for what it is. The USA is a dictatorship, Biden is a dictator, and his regime is evil.
Ian Kummer

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