All of the Biden regime’s predictions of war have proven to be false. But that might change soon. Here’s some information and theories about what might happen.
Western propaganda outlets hysterically predicted a Russian invasion commencing on Feb. 16. It didn’t happen. As observed by Matt Taibbi on his substack:
It should be clear to any reporter that a national security source who whispers not only the alleged date of a coming invasion, but the number of days of aerial bombardment and the war’s expected level of horror and bloodiness, is either yanking your chain with a fairy tale, or using you, or both. Reporters on this beat nonetheless repeated this tale over and over, as if it were patriotic duty.
In my previous post, I predicted that Biden would carry out a terrorist attack against civilians in Donbass:
Now I am genuinely worried about this propaganda about Russian crisis videos and false flag attacks. The Biden regime might be desperate enough for a “provocation” that they’re willing to commit one themselves. Would Biden commit an act of terrorism in Donbass and then blame the Russians for it? I don’t think that’s likely, but anything is possible. This is the president who murdered one of our own allies and his entire family in Kabul, and as far as I can tell, the only reason he did it was to generate some positive headlines after his disastrous botched withdrawal. Ten people killed, including seven children. In that case, the “terrorist” was actually a former ISAF interpreter loading water into his car. The Pentagon investigated themselves and punished no one...
What if Biden orchestrates the murder of civilians in Donbass? What if he kills ten? Or a hundred? Or a thousand? Biden murdering people in Donbass would probably provoke Russian intervention if the body count was high enough. If Biden is preparing to commit mass murder, then all of his actions up to now make a lot of sense. With diplomats, military advisers, and OSCE staff evacuated from Ukraine, that means no witnesses, or at least witnesses who matter to the Biden regime. There are no journalists from mainstream Western outlets in Donbass, Russian news outlets are all “propaganda” and can be dismissed, and the American public has already been prepped (brainwashed) to expect a Russian false flag attack with “crisis actors.”
Yesterday, Polish-speaking saboteurs reportedly tried to attack a chlorine plant in Gorlovka, Donetsk. At the beginning of the month, the Donetsk News Agency had reported the movement of British-trained special forces groups moving into the Gorlovka area, which might be connected to the attack on Feb. 18. Predictably, Western news outlets claimed, with no evidence, that this attack was faked. Note that these are the same media outlets that accepted the Pentagon’s version of last year’s Kabul drone strike. See Glenn Greenwald’s video on that one below:
In the meanwhile, artillery and mortar attacks have increased.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky disobeyed orders from his Western handlers and left the country for a conference in Munich, where he met American Vice President Kamala Harris and declared Ukraine as the “defender of Europe” (same marketing slogan as the Nazis in World War II). Apparently, NATO would have preferred Zelensky to stay home in Ukraine, like a captain going down with his ship.
Yesterday, the governments of Donetsk and Lugansk urged civilians to evacuate across the Russian border, and this is when things really got interesting. Facebook and TikTok censored the evacuation announcement, suspending news outlets, government pages, and even private citizens (note that TikTok’s servers are located in the USA, so effectively is another propaganda arm of the Biden regime). YouTube has already banned the accounts for Donetsk and Lugansk. This sounds an awful lot like an information war to me.
Western news outlets are also implementing damage control measures for the contingency of Russia not invading Ukraine. From the Guardian:
Biden’s tactics may have succeeded in heading off an invasion until now. There are two large caveats. One is that Washington’s attempts to find a diplomatic solution have struggled, while its tough stance may have compromised European efforts. This vacuum is dangerous. The other big reservation is that Biden controversially vowed from the start that US forces would not fight to defend non-Nato Ukraine – despite past US interventions in non-Nato Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and elsewhere.
Putin could yet take catastrophic advantage of this most un-American display of caution.

Image source: Donetsk news agency
In other words, if Russia invades, Biden is the hero who predicted it. If Russia doesn’t invade, Biden is the hero who prevented it. Aside from the fairly obvious explanation that Russia hasn’t invaded because they don’t want to – well – here are a couple of other theories. They’re not mutually exclusive.
- Biden’s plan to commit mass murder in Donbass is still on the table, there just hasn’t been a successful attempt yet. The New York Times just published a new propaganda piece a few hours ago still speculating about a “false flag attack” by Russia, so it’s possible, likely even, that Biden still has terrorists in Donbass trying to kill people. They’re just not competent enough to have succeeded yet.
- Biden ordered Ukraine to launch a general offensive. This would explain why a Biden insider so confidently picked Feb. 16 as the start date of supposed Russian aggression. It might also explain why Zelensky wasn’t supposed to leave the country. A national leader is supposed to be present when his military launches an attack.
Biden might be attempting a repeat of Georgia’s ill-fated attack on the city of Tskinval in 2008. From RT:
Despite claims to the contrary, Saakashvili pulled the trigger in this festering conflict on the night of August 7/8. He may have been emboldened by a promise of eventual NATO membership, given in Bucharest a few months prior. Or by his recent reelection as president in January followed by a general election win in May, which effectively put an end to the 2007 political crisis. He may have thought that, with Russian political leadership away from the country for the Olympics, the military’s reaction time would be slow enough for his troops to seal the Rokski tunnel and stop Russian ground troops from pouring in.
If that theory is true, then the Ukrainian army didn’t do their job and actually attack properly, they just lobbed some artillery shells and hoped that would be enough of a provocation. But so far, it hasn’t been.
Not everyone buys the Biden regime’s narrative about Russian aggression. Watch this clip from Tucker Carlson’s interview with Tulsi Gabbard:
Ukrainian government warns people that if they evacuate, their busses might be blown up. Later, a bomb is found on a bridge in the evacuation route.
Story about the bomb
thank u