The Girl With All the Gifts literally compares black people to flesh-eating zombies who destroy Western civilization, and praises this as a good thing. It might be the most mind-bogglingly evil and racist movie ever made. Triumph of the Will and Birth of a Nation look tame in comparison. But that’s not the most horrifying aspect of the story. Thousands, maybe even millions, of white liberal elites in Europe and the USA actually believe this and have the political power to make it happen.
Based on the book by the same name, The Girl With All the Gifts is about a little black girl who’s a zombie. That in of itself is significant. She could have been a little white girl. But no, she’s a black girl and that was a deliberate casting decision (apparently, in the book the girl is white). She was born this way, and her animalistic hunger for flesh makes it impossible for her to coexist with white people non-infected humans. A white lady scientist tries to develop a cure, but she fails. The last surviving human beings die and black people zombies rule the earth.
If the dear reader thinks I’m exaggerating, I’m not. Both people in the production team and reviewers confirmed that The Girl With All the Gifts is about destroying “whiteness.” In a sane world, somebody would be offended by a movie overtly comparing blackness with being a mindless subhuman animal, but we don’t live in a sane world, do we? According to a reviewer at the Black Youth Project:
…the early concept of the zombie as a cinematic monster indelibly links zombification with Blackness, constructing them both as subhumans to be rightfully enslaved.
Apparently, the movie is not racist because it’s being ironic and subversive. But everything is ironic and subversive now, isn’t it? Our superheroes are ironic, our war movies are ironic, our romances are ironic… to paraphrase The Incredibles: If everyone is ironic, then nobody is.
As I write this, I’m reminded of a movie made in 1974, Zardoz, starring Sean Connery. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, a commune of immortal elites live in a bubble and use their advanced technology to manipulate the rest of the human race. At first glance, the bubble is a perfect utopia, but it’s actually a rotten farce. Everybody is tired of living and wants to die. In the end, they get their wish. A barbarian death cult breaks into the bubble and kills everyone.
The theme of an advanced civilization falling is not new. Another example is Logan’s Run from 1976, starring Michael York from The Three Musketeers and Cabaret (I find York weirdly attractive, and am more than a little jealous of his looks). But movies like Logan’s Run are different. They depict people as inherently good, just enslaved by an evil dictator, supercomputer, or an equivalent baddie. Modern civilization is a prison, people escape to a more naturalistic setting, and are immediately happier. Compare another movie, like Demolition Man. People are trapped in a regime of mindless obedience and never get to taste their wilder passions or control their own destinies.
Despite not being a zombie flick, Zardoz is strikingly similar in theme to The Girl With All the Gifts. People are not trapped in an oppressive civilization exactly. They’re tired of existing at all and want to die. In Zardoz, a scientist uses eugenics to create a race of superhumans and radicalizes them into a death cult. The death cult claims many victims, but in the end, their intended purpose was to destroy their own creator.

Here’s a fun fact. The film’s producer, Camille Gatin, left the UK because she thinks Brexit is racist. I think after you make a movie literally depicting black people as subhuman zombies you don’t get to have an opinion about racism anymore. To be brutally honest, I don’t think she should be allowed to have an opinion about anything. I’m not British so I don’t have a judgment one way or another about the merits of Brexit. Ultimately, the majority of British voters chose to leave the EU, and they have to live with the consequences, both good and bad. But on principle, I have decided that whatever Camille believes about any topic, the opposite is probably true. She’s wrong, but at least in a consistent way, like a clock hung upside down.
That’s the biggest problem with white liberals and their Critical Race Theory. They think “whiteness” and civilization mean the same thing, so both must be utterly destroyed. I would have less of a problem with these people if they simply believed that non-white cultures are superior to ours, though I don’t think that is a true statement. It isn’t healthy to fetishize or idealize other cultures, but at least this would be an argument I could analyze point by point. I would agree with the notion that non-Anglo cultures do in fact have graces and ideas that we do not, and we could learn from them. However, that’s not what white liberals believe. This movie quite clearly illustrates that they don’t think black cultures are superior. They believe the exact opposite. They think black people are disgusting subhuman savages. Literally like zombies. Even dogs are better. At least they can be taught to be friendly and not rip your face off.
Thinking about The Girl With All the Gifts in the COVID era is disturbing. The movie shows a fascination with putting small children in muzzles. Human interaction is dangerous and disgusting, so children must be masked. Now here we are five years later, and liberal elites have successfully mandated masks for children in almost every education system in Western Europe and North America.

The Girl With All the Gifts apparently is more than an entertainment piece. It’s a blueprint. The bubble people in Zardoz engineered their own destruction with the Ubermensch death cult. In real life, white liberals see non-white immigrants as a suicide weapon they can use to destroy themselves. That actually explains a lot. Why would white liberal elites demand that Western countries bring in as many immigrants as possible, then deny them education and jobs, and go to great lengths to make sure non-white neighborhoods are hellish and crime-ridden? If Western countries don’t have the resources to properly take care of new people, why bring in those people to begin with? That sounds insane, but is perfectly logical after watching The Girl With All the Gifts. White liberals view black people as subhuman animals; attack dogs to destroy civilization. If those people are allowed to have education, jobs, and stable families, they’re no longer useful as a suicide weapon.
I wish I could say any of this was speculation, but this is quite possibly the most eye-opening movie I have ever watched. It was nice of white liberals to so openly explain their plan to commit mass suicide, but it is also troubling. If they weren’t absolutely confident in success, they wouldn’t have been so open about it. Sometimes civilizations just want to die, and apparently that’s what’s happened to the West.
The rest of the world should pay attention to this trend too. Suicide is one thing, but I am not so sure that is enough. Could an Anglo oligarch die content while knowing that human civilization will carry on as normal without Europe? Perhaps. But maybe, our elites aren’t just planning to die. There are more than enough nuclear weapons lying around to make a mass suicide mutual, and worldwide.
Ian Kummer

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Well, they managed to make a movie that offends everybody! As a white person I feel insecure about an idea that the likes of me should be destroyed. Black people will be offended by the comparison to ghouls (btw, it seems to be inspired by those Japanese stories).
If the girl in the original story was white or if the original story didn’t focus on the race leaving it to the imagination (best option for literature, if you ask me), i assume it was a speculation on “homo superioris” who is likely to be a survivalist and skillful animal with superior hunting abilities, nothing more. Like Philip Dick’s The Golden Man (check the original story, if you haven’t, it is anything but a mushy romance).
Immortality is another interesting concept. I was thinking on a short story that now seems like Zardoz, yet different in attitude. But that’s out of the scope here.
Well, they managed to make a movie that offends everybody! As a white person I feel insecure about an idea that the likes of me should be destroyed. Black people will be offended by the comparison to ghouls (btw, it seems to be inspired by those Japanese stories).If the girl in the original story was white or if the original story didn't focus on the race leaving it to the imagination (best option for literature, if you ask me), i assume it was a speculation on "homo superioris" who is likely to be a survivalist and skillful animal with superior hunting abilities, nothing more. Like Philip Dick's The Golden Man (check the original story, if you haven't, it is anything but a mushy romance).Immortality is another interesting concept. I was thinking on a short story that now seems like Zardoz, yet different in attitude. But that's out of the scope here.