After months of crocodile tears over the Jan. 6 “insurrection,” American legislators inexplicably failed to address the end of the eviction moratorium, potentially resulting in millions of American families losing their homes. After congress left for a seven-week vacation, Democrats flooded the news media with tearjerker clickbait, most famously Cori Bush who camped out for a nice summer sleepover on the Capitol steps. Now the real motivation for their bizarre lack of leadership is clear; to give the Center for Disease Control and Prevention illegal and unconstitutional legislative power. Our leaders are destroying the country out of pure greed, and I think they’re too stupid to realize it.
Before going any further, I need to address the usual neo-conservative idiocy. No, the eviction crisis is not the result of people being “lazy” and “just get a job lmao.” There was no guarantee of everyone automatically getting unemployment insurance. Many didn’t, and of course UI is of no help to the self-employed. If you think the Trump/Biden token stimulus checks came even close to covering the cost of living, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Most workers have already re-entered the workforce, or found some other means to stabilize their living situation. The problem is that $12/hr. at McDonald’s is not enough to make up for 18 months of accumulated rent and I really feel like that fact is self-demonstrating to anyone who isn’t being deliberately obtuse.
Ultimately, the pandemic shutdown was forced upon us. For the purposes of this story, I’m not even going to get into the debate of whether or not an 18-month shutdown was justified because it just doesn’t matter at this point. At the end of the day, if a government orders its people to lose their livelihoods, then there is a basic moral obligation to make sure they aren’t driven into homelessness and poverty. It is disgraceful that such a large segment of our population doesn’t understand basic ethics like “don’t kick kids out onto the street and then laugh at them for being homeless.”
Now why didn’t Biden just whip out his pen and issue another executive order to extend the moratorium? That is in fact what millions of people expected him to do, which just goes to show how normalized it has become in the USA to have an emperor who need not bother with trivial details like congressional approval. However, the Supreme Court made it clear that this would be unconstitutional and they would challenge it. This doesn’t make them the bad guys, and they’re correct. They also didn’t say that there was no solution. Legislation has to come from the legislative branch, almost as if that’s literally the purpose of having a legislature in the first place.
I was initially baffled by the staggering incompetence required to allow our entire nation to tumble to the edge of a cliff, but now I believe almost beyond a reasonable doubt that this display of absurdity was preplanned. It’s too convenient. The eviction crisis was entirely manufactured and avoidable, but there are at least two useful political purposes for it. First off, it’s the usual fear porn that our entire news media became hopelessly dependent on in the Trump era. More importantly, this offered the Biden Administration a golden opportunity to “save” us from a threat that they themselves created.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a new federal eviction moratorium on Tuesday. The eviction ban will be targeted at areas of the country experiencing high levels of coronavirus infections and will last for 60 days until Oct. 3. The protection could cover around 90% of renters.
This is actually much worse than an executive order from Biden. The CDC is now a legislative body, except there’s no need for a vote and us little people have no say about CDC “orders” at all. Now that this precedent has been set, imagine what the federal government will do next. The CDC could mandate masking. They could mandate vaccination. Actually, they could mandate everything in the name of public health and we’ve already seen that trend on full display too, since Biden has declared “disinformation” a threat that kills people. Out of morbid curiosity, is there now anything that the CDC can’t pass laws on? A dictatorship of the CDC is so absurd it would be funny, except this isn’t a movie and we’re living in it.
As humorous as it would be for CDC death squads to round us up for the concentration camps, I don’t actually think that’ll happen. If the CDC can pass binding laws that everyone has to obey, I see no reason why all the other alphabet soup federal agencies can’t also pass whatever laws they feel like. It’ll be other agencies who round us up for gas chambers. Maybe the FBI. Maybe the capitol police, since they’re favorite sons of the new Reich and have been federalized in everything but name already. Imagine being executed on the street because you turned in a library book late. Actually, people have been shot to death by police and federal agents for so many ridiculous reasons already, who even knows at this point?
Preplanned or not, I stand by my earlier statement that this is incompetence. Why? Well, what’s the point of becoming dictator if you destroyed the country to get there? Doesn’t a king need a kingdom? What about Russia? Following a brief interlude after the Cold War, our oligarchy and corporate media are as obsessed with Russia as ever before. The COVID crisis was at least in part designed to hurt Russia because everything these days is about hurting Russia. The Russian Federation has reportedly restored their economy to pre-pandemic levels, and even climbed up a notch or two in the GDP dick-measuring contest. That’s partly because they handled the pandemic fairly well, but more due to the fact that the Western World is in the process of utterly destroying itself with irrational COVID policies.
The “use COVID to bring back 1990s Russia” plan clearly backfired. Isn’t this alarming? Wouldn’t any sane person realize that and immediately end all COVID restrictions? Yes, but our leaders are greedy, stupid, and short-sighted.
Regarding the humanitarian crisis of overdue rent and resulting evictions… extending the moratorium solved nothing. Not only does an extension kick the can down the road, but the problem will also only increase. Now that the majority of workers are employed again, they could at the very least start paying off their overdue payments. But many won’t, and they’re not even wrong for doing that.
For starters, the problem with fear porn is that, like any other type of pornography, people become desensitized and stop taking it seriously. Why pay your slum lord (who, let’s be honest, you probably hate) when our government repeatedly extends the eviction moratorium? All the Democrat talking heads on social media could at least advise people to keep up on their current and upcoming rent payments, but they’re not and aren’t going to. That’s the recurrent theme of pandemic policies. Our leaders, experts, and journalists repeatedly lie, contradict each other and themselves, destroying their credibility along the way. Even when good advice is given, it’s self-serving, further damaging credibility.
Also interesting, as noted in the news article I linked above, there has been more than $40 billion earmarked for aid to renters in need of it, but only $3 billion has been dispursed. I can’t think of any nefarious plan for that. It’s just incompetence and corruption. Will extending the moratorium deadline to October fix the problem? The Biden Administration has so far failed to do literally anything right so far, why would they start now?
Now there is a clear reason for this bizarre behavior. Corporations like BlackRock are getting rich buying up real estate wherever they can. I don’t like landlords. I don’t think we need a social class of kulaks who “work” by controlling other people’s homes. But that is our system, and as bad as small kulaks are, megacorporations like BlackRock are much worse. This CDC order is a power play and also a tactic to cause an artificial housing crisis that Wall Street can exploit, at our expense of course. But again, destroying our own economy for short-term gain is madness, especially when the point of “geopolitics” is to get ahead of “rogue” nations.
Expect another total lockdown with masking and possibly mandatory vaccination. There has already been so much hysteria about the unvaccinated (Who else is unnerved by the rhetoric that resembles the way 1930s Nazis talked about Jews?), that it’s hard to believe that there won’t be mandatory vaccination. Massive online censorship and “canceling” skeptics and political opponents is a given so there’s almost no point in me mentioning it. Of course, expect vaccine passports. It’s pretty safe to assume that it will soon become impossible to do almost anything in the USA, including leave (again, like Nazi Germany) without explicit authorization. Down the rabbit hole we go.
Ian Kummer

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Good morning Ian, it’s been a while. I can’t agree more with your posts. I don’t comment much lately because I’m studying. It seems the more I learn, the less I know. Many misconceptions have been corrected and it has radically changed my perspective. It all began decades ago with DNI and accelerated with
I want to close by saying, “Hold your head high, Marine! Semper fidelis!”
Good morning Ian, it's been a while. I can't agree more with your posts. I don't comment much lately because I'm studying. It seems the more I learn, the less I know. Many misconceptions have been corrected and it has radically changed my perspective. It all began decades ago with DNI and accelerated with want to close by saying, "Hold your head high, Marine! Semper fidelis!"