Friday’s press briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova had some interesting revelations in it. One of them was an update about the White Helmets. This is news not fit to print. The globalist media loves the White Helmets as the favorite sons of the Military Industrial Complex. No mainstream news outlet would ever print the truth about the White Helmets, except to dismiss facts as Trumper fake news.
We have been talking a great deal about the White Helmets, but the factual information about it is not taken into account in the West, which is actively sponsoring this pseudo-humanitarian organisation and a terrorist accomplice.
During our previous briefings, we more than once provided our assessment of this organisation, which claims to be saving civilians in the hostility zones, whereas in fact its efforts are dedicated to disinformation, the staging of fake chemical attacks and open assistance to terrorists. Highly sophisticated schemes are being used to provide financing to this pseudo-NGO, including through various foundations based in the West.
One of such such [sic] sponsors, the Mayday Rescue Foundation headquartered in Amsterdam, for a long time received substantial allocations from the Dutch government. This stopped in 2018 over misappropriation concerns following a series of scandals involving Mayday Rescue. It was not fake news but factual information that was made public.
Some time ago, Dutch journalists published information proving that the Dutch government deliberately concealed information about the foundation’s criminal schemes and illegal transactions from the parliament and the public. It has transpired that some unidentified Dutch officials decided against disclosing information about the abuses permitted by Mayday Rescue allegedly because they did not have any direct proof. As a result, the story was buried, and the financing of the White Helmets resumed in 2020 through an organisation based in Canada.
This is yet one more piece of proof of The Hague’s policy of double standards, hypocrisy and selective approach to reporting or concealing information.

Here’s the bottom line; nothing she said here is unverified. It’s not even controversial. The White Helmets, or the Syria Civil Defense as they “officially” refer to themselves, have a lovely public relations and social media campaign tailored to a Western audience. Peace, love, empowered women, kittens… you get the idea. It’s so nice on the outside. These saints are so special, they even got a tear-jerking Netflix documentary about them. George Clooney was so moved he even vowed to make a heroic movie about them… in 2016. I haven’t seen any news dated since ethen. Maybe he forgot. Hollywood production hell claims another victim. Oh well.
Despite being a darling of the globalist media and the Deep State, the White Helmets have some discrepancies in their tale, most of which Maria Zakharova addressed in the text above.
Remember the Maine!
For starters, the White Helmets (to the best of my knowledge) exclusively operate in insurgent-controlled areas. Why? Don’t people in government-controlled territory need humanitarian assistance too? If Bashar al-Assad is such an evil dictator, wouldn’t people oppressed by him need more help, not less? Is the government actively preventing the white helmets from operating there? If so, why? And why has there been no public condemnations of this?
For that matter, the White Helmet official Facebook page’s recent posts only mention civilian casualties inflicted by government military forces. Why? If the ISIS terrorists freedom fighters are actively trying to, you know, free the country, wouldn’t there be some collateral damage caused by them? Are they perfect, or would any negative news however justified, not fit the narrative of government bad, rebels good?
On to the chemical attacks. As Maria Zakharova pointed out, they’re fake and that fact has been confirmed almost beyond a reasonable doubt. Aside from the forensics discrepancies which I’ll leave to experts far more qualified than me, the narrative makes no sense.
Children died, apparently from choking on their own vomit! Thank you, Newsweek. Very cool. You’re an example for the rest of us to follow. But what in the world was the point of that? Can anyone name a single objective this would have accomplished for President Assad, besides angering the entire world? Why would Assad want to kill his own people? If for some inexplicable reason he did want to kill his own people, including children, why would he use a stupid weapon that would conveniently give the globalist media more ammunition to justify foreign intervention? No, he did not do that and it’s stupid to say he did.
Now for the strangest part of the story. White Helmet personnel were right there at the scene with cameras rolling. Both times. What are the odds of that? I suppose it’s theoretically possible, just bizarrely unlikely. But of course, this would be perfectly easy to accomplish if both incidents were staged nonsense. Not even false flag attacks. Just baloney.

Lies, Intrigue, and Suicide
In 2017, ex-journalism outfit The Guardian published a ludicrous hit piece titled How Syria’s White Helmets became victims of an online propaganda machine. There’s nothing of consequence in it. Just breathless rants about conspiracy theories, right-wing trolls, Russia, Donald Trump, fake news, and… did I say Russia already?
In 2019, The Guardian came back around with How Syria’s disinformation wars destroyed the co-founder of the White Helmets. Imagine being so lazy you recycle the talking point, hell, just recycle the headline too. Why not? Guardian writers are liars and people who believe Guardian writers are morons.
So what happened? Syria Civil Defense’s parent organization in Holland got hemmed up in a giant embezzlement scandal and White Helmet cofounder James Le Mesurier committed suicide, apparently in a bid to escape prosecution. Where did that lead? Nowhere. The company shut down, local authorities carefully swept everything under the rug, and the White Helmets’ funding seamlessly transitioned to sources directly from several Western nations, most notably, of course, the USA.
If there was so little to worry about, why did the guy kill himself? There are a few possibilities I can think of.
- The official narrative is true, James Le Mesurier got overwhelmed by pressure and tragically took his own life.
- Corruption and fraud was happening, but James Le Mesurier was unaware of it until that point. He was so devastated the wonderful organization he worked so hard to build was ruined by criminal conspiracies, he decided to end it all.
- James Le Mesurier was guilty and had real reason to be afraid.
But no one was charged, or even arrested. Why would he take his own life if there was no fall guy? Maybe that’s exactly why there were no arrests. There was a fall guy all along. It was going to be him. If you look around the room and don’t see a fall, you are the fall guy. Maybe his tragic suicide was enough of a sad story and the globalists didn’t want to ruin it by painting him as a criminal. Who knows.
The most recent gravy shipment to the Syrian freedom posers came from Donald Trump himself in the form of USD $4.5 million. That’s a roundabout way to drain the swamp. Must be that 4D chess we’ve all heard about. Things are going grand for the White Helmets… for the most part. Unfortunately, more evidence of misconduct and cover-ups keeps leaking out, which is in large part what Maria Zakharova was referring to in her press briefing.
What a wild ride! I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Ian Kummer

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