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Ukraine War Memes of the Week

I didn't get around to writing anything today, so here's some memes I made instead....
Happy New Year!

2022 was a unique experience for me. I’ve traveled around the USA, Russia, and now Armenia. I&...
My New Enthusiasm for Armenia

We are now visiting Yerevan, capital of Armenia. We have been here three days, and here are some qui...
Worker and Kolkhoz Woman in Moscow

Tomorrow I'm visiting Saint Petersburg. I also have a ton of photos of Moscow that I haven't even be...
War Memes of the Week

Sorry no post in a while. I've been busy. I should hopefully have one tomorrow. For now, here are so...
Army Apache Crew in Afghanistan

U.S. Army pilots from the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade power down an AH-64 Apache helicopter at Forwa...
Apache Helicopter in Afghanistan

U.S. Army AH-64 Apache helicopter from the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade takes off from Forward Opera...
Apache Helicopter in Afghanistan

Caption: A U.S. Army AH-64 Apache helicopter from the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade takes off from For...
California Army National Guard Fuelers

California Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Nathan Saylor and Sgt. 1st Class Teresa Spier from Company...
CH-47 With Bambi Bucket

A California Army National Guard CH-47 carries a "Bambi" bucket at the California Department Forestr...