A third of American service members have declined the Pfizer COVID vaccine. In response, Democrat lawmakers are pressuring Biden to force military naysayers to take it. Meanwhile, corporations are working 24/7 to silence all dissent against their new toy.
Bear in mind that this vaccine is manufactured by Pfizer, one of the most awful corporations under the sun. They’ve been caught and penalized for just about every crime imaginable, some of which include price-fixing, knowingly producing defective products that kill people, and even illegal experiments on children.
This vaccination against COVID-19 is an emergency-use drug that bypassed normal FDA requirements, making it by definition not rigorously tested. Accusing doubters of “disinformation” is a blatant lie, but that’s exactly what tech giants like Facebook and Twitter are doing. Anything contradictory to the corporate narrative for compulsory vaccination “violates community standards” resulting in that speech, and the user behind it, being silenced.
TikTok outright banned a candidate for the governorship of Minnesota because he questioned the effectiveness of the Pfizer drug. Consider how alarming this is. At least Trump wasn’t banned until after he left the presidency. Corporations are now not only determined to control the outcome of elections, they brazenly blacklist candidates they dislike. For now it’s vaccinations, but they could ban candidates and even elected officials for any reason they like. Sound familiar? If not, it should. Corporate power is a central theme in fascism, including the Nazi ideology of Big H himself.
Imagine having to go to the local Google facility and applying for a permit to run for office. What’s next? Will candidates be forced to pledge allegiance to transgender surgery on minors and the inherent inferiority of non-white races?
As always, Democrats and their corporate allies have turned COVID vaccination into a hysterical scandal about… wait for it… a country that starts with an “R” and ends with “ussia.” A veteran-owned website suggested that the Russian Sputnik V vaccine is better than the Pfizer product. Therefore, he’s a spy for the Russians. Because of course he is. It doesn’t stop there. Russians apparently don’t want Pfizer to make money so are conspiring to make the vaccine look bad.
This is no doubt a Kremlin conspiracy to destroy America with a disease with a 99.7% survival rate, or a 99.99% survival rate if you aren’t extremely elderly, obese, or diabetic. A Russian conspiracy to thin the herd, literally? Maybe Putin wants to bankrupt weight loss programs. Maybe he wanted to work out during his visit to America but the local gym was overcrowded and he never forgave us for it.
Why? Why Russia? Again? Are liberals ever going to get tired of blaming literally everything on the Reds? Maybe, but not so far. The timing of this latest scandal is interesting; it coincides perfectly with the liberals advocating for more military support to Ukrainian nationalists. Incidentally, being a “Russian asset” is a favored justification Silicon Valley elites use to suppress dissent.
Another relevant question: American conservatives are getting steamrolled on all fronts, but don’t seem to care. Why? Well, probably because they’re too busy getting triggered by Dr. Seuss books and black people music. Hilariously, almost all of the things that conservatives get triggered by are owned and operated by corporations. Yet, conservatives seem to be experts at getting upset at corporations while somehow not blaming the corporations themselves.
Ian Kummer

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