Globalists and their fascist puppets support a deranged gunman who opened fire at a Colorado grocery store.
Suspected domestic terrorist Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa opened fire on a crowd of mostly white Americans at a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, March 21. Read the full story on CNN here.
The deaths of ten innocent people should be outrageous to anyone, but respond to it with reason and not irrational anger. It is reprehensible for anyone to use the crimes of an individual to peddle hate against people who happen to be the same race or religion as him.
Note that Alissa’s relatives say he wasn’t particularly devout, so this doesn’t initially appear to be an act of religious extremism. I have to say that because the unfortunate reality is that criminals from Muslim-majority racial groups are often automatically assumed to be ideologically motivated. I don’t think there is any evidence for that here. I call him a domestic terrorist because he is almost certainly racist, not because he might be Muslim.
All that said, I don’t hate the man. In the end, Alissa has been showing obvious red flags of mental illness for years. He should have received help and support for it. Instead, the liberal media bombarded his poor brain with nonstop propaganda 24/7.
CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and most of the other powerful media platforms in our country are terrorist organizations that openly peddle hate, provoking Americans to commit violence against each other. Journalists build their careers on the bodies of the innocent people they’re directly responsible for killing.
Science has proven that the media adulation encourages more mass murderers, but journalists continue to do it. I mean it when I call mainstream media outlets terrorist organizations. It’s about time they were held accountable like ISIS, the KKK, or any other violent extremist group.
It sounds like Alissa was suffering from paranoia to begin with, and liberal journalists repeatedly told him that white people hate him and are out to ruin his life. They’ve been telling him that every waking moment of every day since he first set foot in our country.
Rather than hate Alissa, I empasize with him. If I was suffering from paranoia, I shudder to think how awful it would be to have the entire western media endlessly insisting that 75% of the people around me are my enemies and want to hurt me.
Alissa is in every sense of the word a victim himself. Journalists prey on vulnerable people like him, seizing every opportunity to turn a mentally ill person into a weapon to further their sick globalist agenda.
The bodies of Alissa’s victims hadn’t even gone cold yet before neoliberals were spinning this story as a white supremacist hate crime. In reality, the opposite is true. Alissa is a Syrian immigant with paranoid delusions of racist conspiracies against him. At least some, possibly all, of his victims were white.
I cannot say this enough. Our largest media corporations are terorists. They deliberately drove Alissa to violence. They wanted him to break down and kill someone. Neoliberals at CNN dream of interracial civil war and have been trying to instigate one for years, maybe decades.
Imagine if the roles were reversed and a white man killed ten non-white people. We would never hear the end of it. There would be fascist extremists screaming on national news that we need to “kill whiteness.” As I said, the crimes of one man must not be used to justify retaliation against the racial or cultural subgroup he happened to come from. The problem here is that media talking heads immediately blabbered a blatantly false narrative.
When the news came out that the gunman is Syrian, neoliberals did a 180. They blew the dust off their exhausted “guns kill people” narrative, blaming this blood bath on the Second Amendment.
Calls for more gun control are nonsense based on lies. Alissa has a criminal record for previous violent outbursts and cannot legally own or carry a firearm. For whatever reason, he was able to pass a background check and circumvent existing laws. More laws wouldn’t have stopped him. It’s possible that his propensity for violence was never reported to NICS, which incidentally is a rampant problem that NRA lobbyists are trying to fix.
Here is a roundup of some of the more cringy fascist mental gymnastics surrounding this incident.
That article I linked at the beginning also mentioned another interesting detail. Our favorite neighborhood neonazi, Kommandant Mark Zuckerberg, deleted Alissa’s social media profiles as fast as he could. God forbid Americans look and see the gunman’s real motivations. Like CNN journalists, Zuckerberg is an enemy of the people, and his techno-dictatorship is one of the most dangerous weapons being used against us.
Ian Kummer

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Looks like they are doubling down. They’ve back-tracked, a centimeter, and are now claiming that the cops didn’t dome this fool because he was light skinned: Yeah, no. If I didn’t recognize the receding hairline – balding at 21 years old – I would assume he was Hispanic.
An intelligent, educated person would at least wait for the body cam footage to come out before rendering judgement. But as we all know those are fast becoming rare in the New America.
Liberals are hilarious. They actually get upset when the cops don’t execute someone on the street. Lmao and here I was thinking that arresting people with minimum force was good police work.
Looks like they are doubling down. They've back-tracked, a centimeter, and are now claiming that the cops didn't dome this fool because he was light skinned: Yeah, no. If I didn't recognize the receding hairline – <strong>balding at 21 years old</strong> – I would assume he was Hispanic. An intelligent, educated person would at least wait for the body cam footage to come out before rendering judgement. But as we all know those are fast becoming rare in the New America.
Liberals are hilarious. They actually get upset when the cops don't execute someone on the street. Lmao and here I was thinking that arresting people with minimum force was good police work.