In the 2018 English edition of her book The Unwomanly Face of War, Svetlana Alexievich expressed a commonly held fear in the former Soviet Union, and it absolutely came true. The Nazis would go down in history as brave heroes fighting for a lost cause, and the Soviets would be condemned as grotesque villains.

The Rise of Revisionist History
There is no better evidence for the glorification of Nazism than this deranged and mostly false rant by David Satter, a fascist sympathizer at the Wall Street Journal:
The effect of murder on this scale was to create a “new man” supposedly influenced by nothing but the good of the Soviet cause. The meaning of this was demonstrated during the battle of Stalingrad, when Red Army blocking units shot thousands of their fellow soldiers who tried to flee. Soviet forces also shot civilians who sought shelter on the German side, children who filled German water bottles in the Volga, and civilians forced at gunpoint to recover the bodies of German soldiers. Gen. Vasily Chuikov, the army commander in Stalingrad, justified these tactics in his memoirs by saying “a Soviet citizen cannot conceive of his life apart from his Soviet country.
This paragraph is so stupid I think I actually lost IQ points reading it; that is in part why I just now tricked you into reading it too. We both lost IQ points, so at least we’re on an even playing field, Comrade.
When someone claims “the Soviets should have surrendered all their cities instead of defending them,” that’s an indirect way of saying “I’m sad that Hitler lost.”
I’m also a little infuriated that Satter is too stupid to understand why it’s important to dispose of rotting corpses, or prevent people from defecting to the other side. In war you sometimes have to do bad things to win. Who would have thought!
After reading this pile of festering garbage, I’m not sure that journalists should have rights. I’m not even sure that journalism should be legal at all if this is how people are going to use the privilege.

Bad Orange Man is Bad
Liberals love to accuse people of being Nazis. Bush is a Nazi. Trump is a Nazi. Greenwald is a Nazi. Everyone is a Nazi! It’s like that weird villain guy from The Incredibles said; when everyone is a Nazi, no one is.
After stealing the 2020 presidential election, liberals shifted their rhetoric. Notice how they rarely call people Nazis anymore? The favored terms now are white nationalist, extremist, etc. Why?
Let’s think even deeper. When was the last time you heard a liberal say anything negative about Nazis? I mean really negative, and with no stupid qualifiers like “Yeah, Nazis were bad, but the Allies did bad stuff too.” Actually, I take that back. “Nazis were bad, but the Soviets were worse.”
Not only do liberals rarely make sincere attacks against Nazism, they spend far more time and energy condemning left-wing movements. Especially the Soviet Union, since that was the most successful communist revolution in the West.
Even worse, liberals love our precious “intelligence community.” They whore themselves to the CIA, FBI, and NSA; organizations that ruthlessly targeted and continue to target socialists, labor supporters, union leaders, civil rights icons, and just about everyone else who gets in the way of fascism.

Liberals Hate and Fear Russia
As if that’s not enough, liberals are obsessed with destabilizing Russia and every other country around it. Like I said in a recent post, there are many reasons that liberals hate and fear Russia so much, and none of those reasons are good. They make up stupid lies about Russians meddling in American elections, while simultaneously meddling in their elections (See Ukraine and Belarus, which both have large populations of ethnic Russians).
Liberals love CIA-sponsored color revolutions like the previously mentioned neonazi movements in Ukraine and Belarus. Liberals cheer when right-wing coups topple governments, allowing powerful foreign corporations to swoop in like vultures and gang-rape the entire country, leaving its people with little more than the clothes on their backs.
Fascist regime change influences almost every NATO operation around the world. Think Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria. What do those countries all have in common? They’re tied to Russia in some way. Even Iraq. Saddam screwed up the Iran-Iraq War and at the same time got too cozy with the Kremlin, so NATO stomped him into the ground. Twice.
How about Gaddafi in Libya? Putin visited in 2008 and gradually tightened the Russia/Libya relationship… until 2011 when Obama stomped Gaddafi into the ground. Imagine my shock. I wonder why he did that.

Critical Race Theory
Liberals love racial pseudoscience too. Like the Nazis, modern liberals believe that white people are genetically superior to everyone else. They think that black and brown people are so stupid, they’re little more than chimpanzees who have to be coddled by benevolent white liberal dictators.
In closing, ask yourself this; why do liberals and Nazis agree on almost everything? The answer is as obvious as it is disturbing.
Ian Kummer

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Ian, I’ve become a Junkie of your writing. I’ve read everything on this site and am impressed with your historical writing. I’m most impressed with your commentary about the Neo Liberal Socialist Democrat Nazis. May I add Silicon Valley Corporate Nazis?
I post comments on a conservative site Epoch Times and urge the owners to look you up and hire you. I’m promoting you like I promoted your Dad who taught me much and straightened me out.
Best regards,
Thank you! And I am about to medically retire from the Army, so I’ll have time to kill. I’m pleased you like my writing, that is encouraging. Also, didn’t you mention you were starting your own blog at some point? If so, I’ll share it!
You’re welcome Ian and congratulations on your retirement but condolence for the reason. I have an Honorable under Medical myself.
As for blogging, I’m having second thoughts. It’s not fear of failure but priority and use of time. I’ve been humbled and believe my time is better spent reading, researching and studying. I take what I learned and post it on comment sections on other sites, spreading ideas.
I had done that for your Dad. I even had a custom printed fabiusmaximus com on my tailgate. When your Dad went silent, I removed it and revised it. It currently reads on the left, We are in a 4G Civil War. We are in a 4G World War. Learn about 4GW!”. On the right it reads, “We are breathing the embers of our dying Republic.” with a ragged U S. Flag at the end. On the freeway and city streets cars honk and arms come out of the windows with thumbs up. It’s a great conversation starter and opportunity to educate.
Health, happiness and prosperity to you Ian!
Hi Frans! Sorry for the slow reply, got tangled up in things. If you do decide to create a blog, I will definitely link to it. Otherwise, feel free to contribute here too!
Ian, I've become a Junkie of your writing. I've read everything on this site and am impressed with your historical writing. I'm most impressed with your commentary about the Neo Liberal Socialist Democrat Nazis. May I add Silicon Valley Corporate Nazis?I post comments on a conservative site Epoch Times and urge the owners to look you up and hire you. I'm promoting you like I promoted your Dad who taught me much and straightened me out.Best regards,Frans
Thank you! And I am about to medically retire from the Army, so I'll have time to kill. I'm pleased you like my writing, that is encouraging. Also, didn't you mention you were starting your own blog at some point? If so, I'll share it!
Sieg smile!
I too am puzzled by this Russia obsession. Are they the nicest people? No. They’re also not the ones sterilizing people, throwing people into labor camps, harvesting organs from dissidents, or flooding America’s streets with Fentanyl.
Of course if you try and point that out, these ersatz liberals will put their hands over their ears singing lalalalala or accuse you of being a racist.
Perhaps it is because they can’t wait to implement those things in America.
I really do think it boils down to what I was talking about in an earlier post – Putin is building nation states (and to some extent a transnational identity as well with his economic union). Globalists are doing the opposite. Russians prop up new nation states, and globalists tear them down.
I love it! Swig smile!
Damn auto-complete! You know I meant Seig Smile!
Sieg smile! I too am puzzled by this Russia obsession. Are they the nicest people? No. They're also not the ones sterilizing people, throwing people into labor camps, harvesting organs from dissidents, or flooding America's streets with Fentanyl. Of course if you try and point that out, these <em>ersatz</em> liberals will put their hands over their ears singing lalalalala or accuse you of being a racist. Perhaps it is because they can't wait to implement those things in America.
I really do think it boils down to what I was talking about in an earlier post – Putin is building nation states (and to some extent a transnational identity as well with his economic union). Globalists are doing the opposite. Russians prop up new nation states, and globalists tear them down.
You're welcome Ian and congratulations on your retirement but condolence for the reason. I have an Honorable under Medical myself.As for blogging, I'm having second thoughts. It's not fear of failure but priority and use of time. I've been humbled and believe my time is better spent reading, researching and studying. I take what I learned and post it on comment sections on other sites, spreading ideas.I had done that for your Dad. I even had a custom printed fabiusmaximus com on my tailgate. When your Dad went silent, I removed it and revised it. It currently reads on the left, We are in a 4G Civil War. We are in a 4G World War. Learn about 4GW!". On the right it reads, "We are breathing the embers of our dying Republic." with a ragged U S. Flag at the end. On the freeway and city streets cars honk and arms come out of the windows with thumbs up. It's a great conversation starter and opportunity to educate.Health, happiness and prosperity to you Ian!
I love it! Swig smile!
Damn auto-complete! You know I meant Seig Smile!
Hi Frans! Sorry for the slow reply, got tangled up in things. If you do decide to create a blog, I will definitely link to it. Otherwise, feel free to contribute here too!
Liberals are like Nazis? I question if you know what a liberal is since you refer to “neoliberals” as people like AOC. Neoliberalism is a philosophy that promotes unfettered capitalism and shrinking government involvement in the public sphere, Regan and Thacher are primary examples. Liberals generally believe in the free market, but favor government regulation, social safety nets, protections against racial, gender and orientation discrimination. Joe Biden now falls in that category. Leftists/socialists, believe in de-privatizing some essential services like healthcare and education, and more union power. see AOC and Bernie.
I take it that your beef is that Facebook and Twitter banned Trump, and you don’t agree that there is still systemic racism in this country, so “Critical” Race theory feels like reverse racism.
Facebook/Twitter are perfect example of neoliberal success. The internet was a government funded program, Facebook built on top of this and makes money by selling customer data, and ads. As they grew they become almost a state in terns of their power and reach. As a private company however it only is beholden to shareholders. MZ holds a majority of the voting shares, allowing him to run it as a personal kingdom. Trump was banned only after multiple violations of its terms of service. Including promoting lies about covid, election integrity, and fomenting insurrection against US democracy. Trump is free to post on Parlor all he wants. If Parlor can’t compete, that capitalism for you. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve tried to post on some of the right wing sites, only to be blocked, but i don’t cry about it.
Critical race theory is an idea that there are still underlying racist structures in US society, that simply don’t go away because discrimination based on race is against the law. 400 years of history don’t get erased that easily. If you look at the comments section of most right wing news sites, Briebart, FOX, etc, you see anti black/hisanic/asian posts and obvious white supremacist sentiment. Trump supporters commonly fly the confederate flag. You don’t need to scratch he surface to see the racism, its pretty obvious.,
Trump is a product of neoliberalism/globalism which destroyed labor protections, promoted extreme inequality which creates more fertile ground for scapegoating immigrants and minorities. In that his is akin to racist right wing authoritarian leaders past and present.
Hi Frank, I just saw your message. It has been a while since I’ve blogged. I’ll try to address each of your points the best I can.
-We can debate what the textbook definition of a liberal is, but ultimately, we have to look at what the real-world American liberal establishment is doing. As for AOC, regardless of what she promised while campaigning, she is now a part of the establishment. Ever since the first moment she took office, she’s regurgitated Democratic talking points and hasn’t opposed the party in any meaningful way.
-Donald Trump is a clown. The problem is that de-platforming him (and other controversial figures like Alex Jones) set an ugly precedent. Now the Biden administration and big tech companies collaborate with each other and compile citizens into lists. I don’t think it is troubling that our government and corporate sectors are compiling their political opponents into lists. Justifying censorship with “terms of service” made up by a corporation is an admission that our Constitutional protections are lip service at this point. As for Parler – I equally dislike the idea that our corporate shadow government can ban entire services and platforms for not toeing the line.
-Anti-racism is fine when it pushes desegregation. But I don’t know how there can be any just reason to bring back segregation, and say human beings should be reduced to their lowest common denominator of skin color. Every major news outlet, both on the “left” and on the “right” engage in race-baiting because it works.
-I agree that Trump is a product of neoliberalism, but the USA itself is a neoliberal empire. Let’s understand that Trump is one tree in a forest.
Liberals are like Nazis? I question if you know what a liberal is since you refer to "neoliberals" as people like AOC. Neoliberalism is a philosophy that promotes unfettered capitalism and shrinking government involvement in the public sphere, Regan and Thacher are primary examples. Liberals generally believe in the free market, but favor government regulation, social safety nets, protections against racial, gender and orientation discrimination. Joe Biden now falls in that category. Leftists/socialists, believe in de-privatizing some essential services like healthcare and education, and more union power. see AOC and Bernie. I take it that your beef is that Facebook and Twitter banned Trump, and you don't agree that there is still systemic racism in this country, so "Critical" Race theory feels like reverse racism. Facebook/Twitter are perfect example of neoliberal success. The internet was a government funded program, Facebook built on top of this and makes money by selling customer data, and ads. As they grew they become almost a state in terns of their power and reach. As a private company however it only is beholden to shareholders. MZ holds a majority of the voting shares, allowing him to run it as a personal kingdom. Trump was banned only after multiple violations of its terms of service. Including promoting lies about covid, election integrity, and fomenting insurrection against US democracy. Trump is free to post on Parlor all he wants. If Parlor can't compete, that capitalism for you. If it makes you feel any better, I've tried to post on some of the right wing sites, only to be blocked, but i don't cry about it. Critical race theory is an idea that there are still underlying racist structures in US society, that simply don't go away because discrimination based on race is against the law. 400 years of history don't get erased that easily. If you look at the comments section of most right wing news sites, Briebart, FOX, etc, you see anti black/hisanic/asian posts and obvious white supremacist sentiment. Trump supporters commonly fly the confederate flag. You don't need to scratch he surface to see the racism, its pretty obvious., Trump is a product of neoliberalism/globalism which destroyed labor protections, promoted extreme inequality which creates more fertile ground for scapegoating immigrants and minorities. In that his is akin to racist right wing authoritarian leaders past and present.
Hi Frank, I just saw your message. It has been a while since I've blogged. I'll try to address each of your points the best I can.-We can debate what the textbook definition of a liberal is, but ultimately, we have to look at what the real-world American liberal establishment is doing. As for AOC, regardless of what she promised while campaigning, she is now a part of the establishment. Ever since the first moment she took office, she's regurgitated Democratic talking points and hasn't opposed the party in any meaningful way. -Donald Trump is a clown. The problem is that de-platforming him (and other controversial figures like Alex Jones) set an ugly precedent. Now the Biden administration and big tech companies collaborate with each other and compile citizens into lists. I don't think it is troubling that our government and corporate sectors are compiling their political opponents into lists. Justifying censorship with "terms of service" made up by a corporation is an admission that our Constitutional protections are lip service at this point. As for Parler – I equally dislike the idea that our corporate shadow government can ban entire services and platforms for not toeing the line.-Anti-racism is fine when it pushes desegregation. But I don't know how there can be any just reason to bring back segregation, and say human beings should be reduced to their lowest common denominator of skin color. Every major news outlet, both on the "left" and on the "right" engage in race-baiting because it works.-I agree that Trump is a product of neoliberalism, but the USA itself is a neoliberal empire. Let's understand that Trump is one tree in a forest.