Nazism Ascendant and America Defeated; Triumph of the Will
Nazis have lurked among us for decades, unnoticed and without restraint as they diligently worked toward a most ambitious goal. Time passed, and their shadow nation grew like a tumor. It shivered in the darkness at first; now it unabashedly operates in the open, as if a pus-oozing boil was supposed to be there all along.
Even the most malignant cancer can’t rot away a victim’s body overnight, and the same can be said for the Nazis. Destroying America has been a long and turbulent journey for them, but for a Nazi, it felt like no time at all. They live, fight, and sweat for a dream worth more than life itself.
Many times, both in dream and in daydream, Nazis close their eyes. Every Nazi dreams the same dream, a dream shared by all Nazis, fiber for dreamy fiber. A true Nazi can brush aside the sweat of his brow with a single thought of singular purpose. One day will be that glorious day. The day when the Nazis finally finish what Hitler started!

Hitler’s disciples, though they are too young to know anything about him besides grainy old film, and of course his Scripture, Mein Kampf, they nevertheless will achieve the Promised Land he spoke of. It’s a joy however bittersweet; for Hitler, like a (not Jewish) Moses, imparted a vision of the Kingdom of Heaven to his believers, but cruel fate denied entry to the blessed man himself.
“Don’t be sad!” Nazis comfort each other’s stony hearts devoid of warmth. Even in death, the Mighty Father of the Reich will lead his wolf pack to the Promised Land, if only in spirit, for spirit is all that matters to a devout believer. Hitler can’t truly be stopped from reaching his Heavenly Kingdom, and neither can the rise of Nazism.
Behold the futility of resistance. The Fascist Final Solution can not ever be stopped. Only delayed, Only slowed down. Never defeated. Always and eternally victorious.
Silly Americans! This is completely good and normal for a malignant boil sucking at the nation’s jugular. More than that, it is wrong to not be a boil! My, how the tables have turned. An unmistakeably spreading stain of Nazism dominates the public space, and now Americans are the ones hiding in the shadows, under penalty of just reprisal if anyone mentions America too highly or too proudly. Love and obey the Reich, and only the Reich. If one absolutely must speak of abolished times before the Reich, only do so with the refrain “the Reich is better, and Hitler did nothing wrong. Let us all disavow the bigoted anti-fascism of American soldiers.”
Refrain or not, America should only be mentioned long enough to mourn that it ever existed in the first place. “Why couldn’t the Reich have always reigned past, present, and future, like a string stretching to infinity both ways, or a circle with no beginning or end?” That’s an appropriately self-flagellating apology for the anti-fascist activities of ancient war criminals.
Yes, Americans have a lot to apologize for. To name but one egregious offense, what of the Reich’s fallen soldiers at Stalingrad? Butchered in part by American inaction, and some by American arms even. Damn you, Roosevelt! Damn you and damn your Lend-Lease! Horror! Youthful Aryans peacefully visited the animalistic savages of the East, bringing charity and goodwill, holocaust by bullet and shovel, only to be killed and buried themselves. Horror! Their bones are still there, restless and crushed by the feet of Slavic and Asiatic subhumans every year after passing year. Horror!

The wounds feel as tender, and the Fatherland’s tears as bitter, as they did on those dark days of 1943; death by shell and bayonet, mournful slaughter of innocent Nazi peacekeepers! First at Siciliy, then snaking through Italy northward, like a serpent tempting entry to Eve’s forbidden fruit! What can even be said of the war crimes perpetrated across Norman beaches, endless, sandy hellscapes, drenched with faithful Aryan blood? Let’s dare not even mention the incendiary rape of Dresden, except in fleeting, aghast horror! Horror! Enough of this! Enough horror! The historic cascade of anti-fascist tyranny is too long for even a most faithfully corralled mind to dwell upon!
None of this can be reversed. There is no anti-fascist crime, no, not even one, not even the smallest, that can ever be atoned for. No, not even the death of a single defender of the Reich! But these crimes can all be apologized for. Endlessly. Accompany sincere word with action. Tear down American soldiers’ monuments, and apologize again. In absence of not-destroyed monuments, create effigies of those most foul GI’s, and burn them too.
Tell youngsters at school to write reports about how awful life must have been before the Reich’s ascendance. Better still, pick out a student who looks a little too Jewish and designate him as surrogate antagonist of the day’s stories. Damn you, Harry, perpetrator of anti-Reich militancy! Damn you, Harry, careless tongue wagger, enabler of anti-social stubbornness!
While this is an acceptable exercise alone, better still to line up all his Aryan classmates, and force Harry the Slippery Semite to apologize to them for his anti-fascist schemes, his legacy of hook-nosed communism that is literally violence against all Aryan children, even up to this present moment! A particularly cheeky educator might even imply to his Aryan pupils that they are entitled to reparations from Harry, and can resolve this debt themselves. We need not spell out that “reparations” is a plainly understood dog whistle for “if you all gang up on Harry and beat the hell out of him, you won’t get in trouble.”
Maybe after a hundred thousand million such apologies, and tenfold number of pearl-clutching school activities, slandered swastika-clad soldiers of the past can finally rest, be they peaceful protectors of the Sinai, or generous aid workers in Belorussia. Disown anti-fascist ancestors and simultaneously praise our most awakened era of intersectional Fascist benevolence.

Remember, this is the appropriate way to unpack the painful history of America. Even ideologically correct words require an equally fervent show of shame and meekness. To do otherwise is hate speech against descendants of all oppressed Aryans who perished circa 1945. Descendants who are they themselves victims of a culture dripping with anti-fascism and Jewish tricks!
To stray any distance from this prescribed sentiment, to carelessly mention America with insufficient scorn, this is to play with death itself. Not just any death, but death at the hands of the ever-watchful Gestapo. Oh, our glorious Gestapo! Born American, yet firmest of firm believers; protectors of our Reich! Go ahead. Come and see. Ask a foot soldier of the Gestapo. Ask him “what was America like before the Reich?” A confused and horrified stare is all you’ll get, and probably a bullet straight after it!
Who are these Nazis? Who is trying to destroy America and enslave the people living in it? How could we not have noticed? That’s an easy question to answer, but difficult to accept. We should have seen them. In fact, we did see them. We just collectively chose to pretend we didn’t.
Ian Kummer

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We saw it coming and many of us lost our careers for even daring to say this rise was not good, myself in education in London Colleges (UK) in the 1990’s. We saw the bullying of the minority white students and academic students. Minority/majority – and the irony in such an oxymoron, we also saw the dents in our cars in the staff car park and the smirks in the staffroom. Well …. (what I don’t give everyone A and set colouring in as a final exam)…therefore putting a dent in my back wing is OK. The look of distain when you say you bashed it out with your Uncle and sprayed it yourself on the weekend,, your Uncles a Panel Beater .. more smirks from the elites.
They live in apartments that cost more any teacher could afford, they do 5 years in a rougher college, contacts get them the easier classes. Then they either move into management or move to a more upmarket college and virtue signal about the rough college time (social doer pointer etc). They dumb down education, to make life for them easier and create another generation of low achievers for their privately educated kids to teach, that is if they fail to get medicine, law or such like, as they did.
57 now, seen this rinse, wash and repeat cycle since I was 30 and started in education. They stop people like me getting out of poverty, my Father left school at 14, my Mother 15, they pushed us to do well and get out of the poverty they/we were in.
Trump supporters may come to be represented by the next Mandela, only representing white and working men of al colours.
Star Trek, Communism and Religious groups on a collision course in 2020’s not looking that great!
Nice well written article, thanks
Thank you for the input, and sharing your own personal brushes with the early manifestations of “Cancel Culture.”
That in of itself is interesting, because “canceling” thought criminals is a term the fascist enforcers came up with themselves. And yet they simultaneously claim it doesn’t exist.
Not quite as extreme as when they proudly proclaimed the “Great Reset,” and almost in the same breath claimed there is no such thing as a Great Reset and anyone who does believe in it is a “conspiracy theorist.”
It was a surreal moment for me when I did that first Google search, and the same news outlets had articles celebrating the Great Reset while simultaneously complaining it doesn’t exist.
We saw it coming and many of us lost our careers for even daring to say this rise was not good, myself in education in London Colleges (UK) in the 1990's. We saw the bullying of the minority white students and academic students. Minority/majority – and the irony in such an oxymoron, we also saw the dents in our cars in the staff car park and the smirks in the staffroom. Well …. (what I don't give everyone A and set colouring in as a final exam)…therefore putting a dent in my back wing is OK. The look of distain when you say you bashed it out with your Uncle and sprayed it yourself on the weekend,, your Uncles a Panel Beater .. more smirks from the elites. They live in apartments that cost more any teacher could afford, they do 5 years in a rougher college, contacts get them the easier classes. Then they either move into management or move to a more upmarket college and virtue signal about the rough college time (social doer pointer etc). They dumb down education, to make life for them easier and create another generation of low achievers for their privately educated kids to teach, that is if they fail to get medicine, law or such like, as they did. 57 now, seen this rinse, wash and repeat cycle since I was 30 and started in education. They stop people like me getting out of poverty, my Father left school at 14, my Mother 15, they pushed us to do well and get out of the poverty they/we were in. Trump supporters may come to be represented by the next Mandela, only representing white and working men of al colours. Star Trek, Communism and Religious groups on a collision course in 2020's not looking that great! Nice well written article, thanks
Oh Ian, when I saw the notice with intro in my email I couldn’t wait to read it! Great work! I also read your first chapter of Android Revolution. You do excellent work.
I’ve been as busy as a cat with rats up to it’s eyeballs the past months. I’ve been working 14 to 16 hours daily. This break was cathartic.
I feel the comment from just a guy. I’ve seen it and suffered it as well.
Oh Ian, when I saw the notice with intro in my email I couldn't wait to read it! Great work! I also read your first chapter of Android Revolution. You do excellent work. I've been as busy as a cat with rats up to it's eyeballs the past months. I've been working 14 to 16 hours daily. This break was cathartic. I feel the comment from just a guy. I've seen it and suffered it as well. Beste
I hope you can keep the post and comments alive on so all the old denizens find their way back.
I firmly believe they’ll become your readers and comment like they interacted with your Dad.
I’m working on a site of my own on WordPress but taking my time before I go Live. My blogroll will include you, Chet Richards and the best of the 4GW Community.
Have a wonderful, fulfilling and prosperous day.
It’s unfortunately pretty much defunct now, but regular updates will continue here, so nothing’s really changed. And I’m glad you enjoy the posts!
Ian, I hope you can keep the post and comments alive on so all the old denizens find their way back. I firmly believe they'll become your readers and comment like they interacted with your Dad. I'm working on a site of my own on WordPress but taking my time before I go Live. My blogroll will include you, Chet Richards and the best of the 4GW Community. Have a wonderful, fulfilling and prosperous day. Frans
What is this about? Seriously, what point are you trying to make here?
Just an observation that fascism is back in style. And no, that’s not hyperbole. It is quite back, and virtually unchanged since World War II.
While this article is prose, my follow-up post is analytical. Take a gander if you’re curious where I’m coming from.
What is this about? Seriously, what point are you trying to make here?
[…] Read more… […]
Thank you for the input, and sharing your own personal brushes with the early manifestations of "Cancel Culture." That in of itself is interesting, because "canceling" thought criminals is a term the fascist enforcers came up with themselves. And yet they simultaneously claim it doesn't exist. Not quite as extreme as when they proudly proclaimed the "Great Reset," and almost in the same breath claimed there is no such thing as a Great Reset and anyone who does believe in it is a "conspiracy theorist." It was a surreal moment for me when I did that first Google search, and the same news outlets had articles celebrating the Great Reset while simultaneously complaining it doesn't exist.
It's unfortunately pretty much defunct now, but regular updates will continue here, so nothing's really changed. And I'm glad you enjoy the posts!
Just an observation that fascism is back in style. And no, that's not hyperbole. It is quite back, and virtually unchanged since World War II. While this article is prose, my follow-up post is analytical. Take a gander if you're curious where I'm coming from.
Such utter paranoid unsubstantiated nonsense. Where do Nazi or even Fascists have any power in the USA? Either socially, politically, economically or culturally? I mean actual Nazis or Fascists. Not the Boogeyman word you use to call people, that you disagree with. I mean actual Nazis/Fascists. They have no Power, other than in the Fantasies in your own head. This is nothing more than empty rhetoric & baseless Conjecture
Such utter paranoid unsubstantiated nonsense. Where do Nazi or even Fascists have any power in the USA? Either socially, politically, economically or culturally? I mean actual Nazis or Fascists. Not the Boogeyman word you use to call people, that you disagree with. I mean actual Nazis/Fascists. They have no Power, other than in the Fantasies in your own head. This is nothing more than empty rhetoric & baseless Conjecture