Synopsis: The forces of Social Justice are escalating the Gender War, but they didn’t strike the first blow. Men did, and radicalized women’s anger against us is largely justified. Not only are men to blame for the gender apocalypse, but we also fail to understand it. Men aren’t the primary target. The enemy’s ultimate goal is to destroy women. If they succeed, society itself will collapse.
A new interpretation of the Gender War, blow by blow
In this article and future entries, I offer the interested reader an alternative perspective on what is arguably the single most significant conflict in American culture. Growing animosity between men and women has exploded into open warfare. Battles rage in virtually every space in our society. The two sexes have almost completely lost the ability to work together or even coexist at all in any context. Both sides tend to assume the worst about one another and are usually right.
The usual position adapted by ring leaders and foot soldiers in the male battle lines is that this is a “war on men.” It’s not. To understand what this escalating conflict is truly about and what caused it, we have to understand the following points, which I have broken into two volumes to be presented sequentially. Let’s start with the first volume. With these points established, I will introduce the second volume.

Volume 1: The Information Battlefield from war propaganda to Mickey Mouse.
Following this introductory post, there will be a three-part explanation of the neoliberal war on women that is currently raging in the information realm:
1. We don’t need guesswork to identify women as the true target of the neoliberal campaign of social engineering. We don’t need enigma machines or magic decoder rings to figure it out either. Neoliberals told us themselves, and in plain English. All future points in this series hang on an understanding of this, so will be addressed first and foremost.
2. Young girls are led on a quest for the false holy land of male privilege. The liberal media heralds the absolute worst aspects of men’s lives as emancipation. This trend started early in the women’s suffragette movement as an alliance between the men who controlled the Western world and feminist extremists willing to do anything to establish a foothold for their movement, even if that meant praising war crimes and slavery.
3. The increasingly militant waves of feminist neoliberalism are an equal and opposite reaction to the objectification of women in the preceding decades. Capitalists started to run out of things to commoditized, so commodified women. The most influential and proportionally guilty capitalist responsible for this was, as strange as this might sound at face value, Walt Disney. The objectification of women in modern films of women as absurd masculine action figures is an extreme yet logical reaction to Disney’s objectification of them as passive dolls.

The Gender Jihad is winning, and it deserves to win. There is no coherent resistance.
Liberal Culture Warriors are accelerating their campaign to flip gender roles, even the concept of gender itself, upside down. Many want to destroy it completely. Despite the strength and severity of the threat, opposition against this new vanguard of fanatics is weak, fragmented, and incapable of adapting. For some reason, the various factions of old conservatives, men’s rights activists (MRA), the grossly exaggerated forces of the “alt-right,” homosexual men, minority (especially black) men, and Christian patriarchs can’t mount anything remotely resembling an effective counter-narrative. They’re incapable of even working together. Lack of unity means certain defeat. Many male leaders and male-dominated institutions don’t even attempt to fight at all. They preemptively surrender, which ends with predictably pitiful results of emasculation.
Perhaps the most foolish men of all, the liberal elites in Hollywood and Academia, have tried to use feminist warriors as shock troops against their conservative enemies, and with hilariously predictable results. Like a pack of starving wolves, fanatics who hate men will first feast on the bones of the men closest to them. As suicidal as this strategy was, it wasn’t a total waste. Maybe we should give these misguided liberals a medal for their noble, though completely unintentional sacrifice. If nothing else, Weinstein and his fellow clowns bought the rest of us time while the female mob picks their bones clean. But that time is up and we’re the next dish on the menu.
As alarming as the Gender War is, we shouldn’t be surprised. It was predictable and a long time coming. Us men started it, and in some cosmic sense, we deserve it.

Up Next: Men and boys are collateral damage of the Social Justice Jihad, but girls are the primary target
The only thing the squabbling tribes of men can agree on is that the hordes of social justice are waging a war on men and masculinity. I find this assertion interesting and for a while believed it myself. However, it isn’t true. Men and boys are casualties in this holy war, but we’re merely collateral damage. The primary target is girls.
While the old saying “the pen is mightier than the sword” is a self-refuting over-simplification, its intended message is based on truth. The information battlefield is of equal importance to the physical one. The upcoming chapter will analyze the history of propaganda from two different cultures. One strain of propaganda aimed to educate, encourage, comfort, and embolden women. The other strain, our strain, was conceived with an early goal to simply use and discard women. Today’s propaganda aims to simply destroy women, and society along with them.
For anyone thinking that’s hyperbole, well… it isn’t. Break down women so relentlessly that they live their lives alone, hopeless, angry, without a future, and mortal enemies of their male counterparts, that has an obvious and immediate consequence. Their children will be broken and feral right from the start, without the need for intervention from the neoliberal establishment at all. How many generations of feral children can our society survive? Three? Four? It might not survive one.
Recommended Reading
Medieval Feudalism
Carl Stephenson paints a beautiful and easy to digest picture of life in a traditional feudal society during the Early and High Middle Eages. That’s what makes this book so important. To understand the hiearchy and power structure of the modern capitalist world, it is important to understand feudalism. This actually isn’t as difficult as it sounds, because the two systems are basically identical.
In the past thousand years, the world has changed tremendously. Thanks to the tireless work and sacrifices of past generations, we’ve gained so much, from running water, modern medicine, and many other things too numerous to list. And yet, in some ways, perhaps the most important ways, the world has hardly changed at all. The hierarchy that dictates the social station of every man, woman, and child has shifted less than Stone Hedge. Interestingly, feudal leaders were very progressive and had a modern grasp of freedom exactly the same as today. A medieval serf was “free” because he owned a strip of land the size of a driveway and a cow. A modern American is “free” because he owns a condo the size of a driveway and a car. The serf’s rulers might take his cow and ruin his life. Our rulers might decide to take the American’s car and ruin his life. Progress.
Interestingly, there was one key difference between feudal knights and modern corporate leaders. Knights liked to fight and kill each other a lot. This sounds like a wonderful tradition and it should be reinstated, effective immediately.
Even the institutions haven’t changed much. Enamored by the promise of eternal riches, people went to mass and threw coins, often the only coins they had, into the collection plate. Today, a thousand years later, we still have a church. It’s called a “stock market,” and priests are called “economists.” Will our God the squiggly line be pleased, or will he be angry? Nobody knows because it’s more random than throwing chips at the roulette table while blindfolded. However, it’s still important to guess best as we can, because the squiggly line is literally the only deciding factor for if we make lots of money today, or if we have to fight each other and kill millions. It might not make sense to the common soldier why we have to kill millions today, but there is no why. We just have to. The squiggly line commands it. And it’s also wrong to suggest it’s pointless. You see, if we kill more people than the enemy, our squiggly line goes up and theirs goes down. Such is the wisdom of the squiggly line. About five or six people make hundreds of billions of dollars from the war, but we assure you that there is no ulterior motive for this blood sacrifice.
Other things have improved too. Medieval Kings based their currencies on gold. Today, we are wiser and base our currency on the promise that we could exchange it for gold if asked. Of course we wouldn’t, but we could. Also, if we run out of money we can just make more. Why not just always make more money? Because we first have to borrow the money from ourselves and then make it. If it’s so easy then why do we still have poor people? It’s too complicated for you to understand. What if we run out of the magic printed money, or accidentally make too much of it? That’s not a problem. No one panics, everyone remains perfectly calm, then we elect Hitler.
Now back to work before the Amazon predator drone notices you haven’t moved any boxes for 32.5 seconds. (Yes, I did just advertise an Amazon book for commission and in the same breath joke that they murder their own employees with hellfire missiles. The irony isn’t lost on me.)
Ian Kummer

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