What Would Be the Legal and Economic Impact of Seizing Russian Foreign Reserves?
The seizure of some or all Russian assets likely strengthen the Dollar, weaken the Euro, and make Europe even more subservient to the USA. As for legality, of course there is no legal basis for the seizure, but everyone is far beyond pretending that “international law” is a real thing that exists. Every ostensibly impartial … Read more
How Much Manpower Does Ukraine Have Left?
It’s a tough question that takes some work to frame properly. First off, none of the stated conditions for Ukrainian victory as defined by both Ukraine and their NATO sponsors had any chance of happening. –Restore Ukraine to its 1991 border. There was no chance of this happening, none at all. Ironically, restoring the 2014 border was absolutely … Read more
Peaceful Resolution for Ukraine Is Far Away
Another talk on Billy Bob’s channel. I argue that there is no sign of the war ending. It likely won’t be over until after the 2024 US presidential election. The withdrawal from Afghanistan happened in summer 2021, after Biden was safely in office. By the time the midterm elections came, the Afghan embarrassment had already been buried in a dozen other more recent issues. I also don’t believe there’s some conspiracy to break up the USA. De-dollarization isn’t an intentional or desirable goal.
NATO Against the Monroe Doctrine
NATO is inherently un-American, and violates almost every geopolitical concept this country was founded on, and spits in the faces of the people who helped Americans become a world power to start with. The concept of American neutrality and non-intervention toward European regimes started early and was first articulated in 1823.